Wrong date in order list on admin page


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2005-11-26 09:38

The colomn date on the "../admin.php?p=ordersList" page shows "1969-12-31 19:00:00" in front of every order but if I go a step deeper into the orderdetails, the correct date is shown. Think I made a mistake somewhere... Already replaced my "orders_list.tpl" with the original one, but no succes. Anybody an idea?
Thanks in advance


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2005-12-17 04:26

I get the same error...

Treewood... can u help us??



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2006-01-23 22:57

What's happen in this date: 1969-12-31 19:00:00???

lol... my qc show this date!!



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2006-01-24 16:15

Nothing. The Unix timestamp started at 1970.01.01 @ 00:00:00, as I know. It's a simple integer, incereasing by 1 in every second. So it shows thw seconds rfom that time, called Unix epoch. So, maybe this 1969 date is the correct? Or it's just a bug in that OS or PHP version?


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2006-07-11 02:34

Hello. Has there ever been a resolution to this issue?

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