hello I have deleted a produkt page. how can i create that page again.
i deleted product with page nr 3 when i add a new produkt th system give him page 400 and not page 3 now my list is not compleet 1 , 2, 4 , instead of 1,2,3,4, can some one help me to create page nr 3 in produkts
You can add a new product and then change its ID in the database file. It requires a basic PHP knowledge because Quick.Cart DB is based on serialization. But you should handle it. Here you can find relations: https://opensolution.org/Quick.Cart/docs/ext_6.6/?id=en-db
In future - remember about a regular backups. If you can't afford on Quick.Cart.Ext - free plugin should be enought: https://opensolution.org/download/quick.cart-and-quick-cart-ext-plugins.html#simpleBackup