youtube Link in product's description


Avatar: anani

2020-11-12 00:28

Hello everyone!You are great!I have a difficulty to put a youtube link-but not just a link-I need to appear with a frame of my video(and when you click on this frame->going to youtube video).Is anyone knows how to do this?Thank you:)Take care!

» Quick.Cart v6.x


Avatar: anani

2020-11-25 18:10

I've resolved the problem at the same day-just needed to copy embded code in relevant page-and it works 100%!
Now I have different problem-trying to add favicon in my website,but I am using now 6.6 ver. QC and couldn't find right file to exchange my default fav!
Any good advice?
Thank you!


Avatar: twh

2020-12-23 17:59

Favicon: insert in _header.php between <head> and </head>
eg: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="templates/favicon.gif" />,
in this case the favicon must be stored direct in the folder 'templates' and is availble at any time undependend of the uses layout

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