How to change final purchase message?


Avatar: javipcriot

2019-08-04 14:00

only send to administrator, not to client so I want to change message

Order was saved and sent.
Order was created and saved.

but if I change the text in database / en_pages.php it creates an error on the web
Does anyone know how to do it correctly ?, thanks.

» Quick.Cart v6.x


Avatar: javipcriot

2019-08-04 17:59

I use the free version, is it normal that the invoice is not sent to the client (only to the administrator)?


Avatar: Roni

2019-08-05 07:19

Hard to tell without knowing what kind of en error are you getting.
Check the requirements and permissions:

Quick.Cart has a variable for setting if the customer should get an email with order details:

* Customer recieves an email containing order details
$config['send_customer_order_details'] = false;


Avatar: javipcriot

2019-08-05 15:44

I have already modified it by your instructions and now it works well, thank you very much Roni.

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