insert <script> tag to page


Avatar: zoltanp

2019-02-25 20:21


I would like to insert a <script> tag into a QuickCMS page, it is a simple contact form. Everytime I save it unsing wyswyg editor the <script> tag gone to be deleted. Any other html tags are okay.
Is there any way to save this kind of tags to the page?

thank you


» Quick.Cms v6.x


Avatar: Roni

2019-02-26 07:59

Insert that tag to e.g. page.php file in templates/default/


Avatar: zoltanp

2019-02-26 09:25

Unfortunately this is not a solution, script tag must have to be in place between <div> tags...
I'm researched and it seems tinymce removes script tag because of security reasons. Now I'm trying to figure out how to remove that cleanup thing from tinymce code...


Avatar: Roni

2019-02-26 13:24

If you will place it in php file - you can put it in any tag you want even DIV.

And yes, tinymce has some cleanup.
I'm not sure if script can be added to allowed markups (extended_valid_elements variable as I know).
But even if yes I think putting script in file is better and cleaner solution.


Avatar: zoltanp

2019-03-02 17:39

I made it like following:
1. created a html file with the required codes
2. inserted to page using iframe

so simple and fast.

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