I am wanting to include QC in my website so it doesnt have to be on its on a page I want it to be on same page as website...
I am also wanting to add Sub Categorys to.
Please help me out
Cheers Rusty
P.S- I want it like what GameDude has see it at www.gamedude.com.au
2005-10-19 07:10
BUMP please help all i wanna do it have it so Quick Cart isnt a whole another website sorta thing by itself I want it to have the products in a certain DIV of the website and items show up in a different DIV of the site
Here is what i've codet into my template: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- <div style="width:760px; margin:0px 0px">
And here is, what i've put into my html-head: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- <!-- calculating the page-height ===================== --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function iFrameHeight() { if(document.getElementById && !(document.all)) { h = document.getElementById('iframename').contentDocument.body.scrollHeight; document.getElementById('iframename').style.height = h; } else if(document.all) { h = document.frames('iframename').document.body.scrollHeight; document.all.iframename.style.height = h; } } //--> </script> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Works like a charme :-))
2005-12-06 13:47
yeh sorry i want only the menu to come up in one frame and the items to come up on another is that possible?
2005-12-14 16:41
Bump sorry guys still havent figured this one out :(
2005-12-14 17:29
now i have made some pictures to show what im talking about :D
If you know how to do what I am looking for please help me.
The menu, categories box and products box are all divs so are already made out just need to figure out how to get the information to work how i want it :D
Cheers Rusty
2005-12-14 19:46
I get the impression that you may be approaching this problem from the wrong direction. Instead of trying to break down QuickCart and fit it into your website, you would probably find it a lot easier to fit your website into QC. The reason being that QC has a single entry point - index.php - and you can't get away from that without writing a lot more code. So you might be better off keeping index.php as your site entry point, and modifying the templates to split out the various sections across the page as you want them. Your can always insert extra snippets of code to mimic existing parts of your website.
Rusty - upload solution on file and give acces to it by link ... dont paste here all code
2005-12-15 08:24
sorry about that
http://www.itboyz.com.au/qc.php is what the file is uploaded it to my mates ftp. My upload speed is too slow to upload whole qc info.
I want to make it so that the category menu appears in the products div and the menu appear in the navbar div and the header to dissapear.
Cheers Rusty
2005-12-16 11:56
does noone answer?? i know basic php, css and html coding.
Extreme Ninja
2005-12-16 13:04
Hi, If you take a look at my website you will see that my site is essentially broken down into 5 sub-sites. I have the main index at www.extremeninja.co.uk/index.htm
and then have sub index pages for various site elements:
They all use the same style sheet which keeps everything uniform and lightweight.
I hope this helps.
Peter Jankowski
I hope this helps.
2005-12-16 13:44
hi yeh i like your site i want mine to be like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/general_rusty/want.gif i have template ready just qc is whats holding me back
what i have at the moment is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/general_rusty/have.gif