Printing pages


Avatar: Qatan

2016-03-28 21:16


I have a problem when printing pages.
Every time I get extra blank pages. Depending of the size of the page (quantity of content) it may vary from 1 to 4 blank pages.
I changed the style to filter whatever isn't necessary to be printed as follows:

@media print {
#logo_cont, #publication, #community, #menu_cont, #search, #banner, #slider, #foot_cont, #copy_cont, #socialButtons, .large-push-8, form, .pages, h4, #newest { display: none; }
  #page .subpagesList li, #page, .clear, #content_cont, #main_cont, #spotlight, #main_cont #spotlight, #content_cont #spotlight { border: none; }
a[href]:after contentnone !important; } }

Can you please help me to figure out what is wrong?

» Quick.Cms v5.x

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