Switch off the same product recount in the basket


Avatar: MoverRen

2015-04-15 14:50

Can someone help about disabling auto recount of the same product in the basket. I would like to have the same product in the basket as many times as needed, but one below another like they are different products. As I can see products are compared by ID, so it must be in some function in ORDER_STEP1.PHP.

I have tried to modify this part of code, with no results :


// delete product from basket
$oOrder->deleteFromBasket$iProductDelete );

  if( isset( 
$_POST['iProductAdd'] ) && isset( $_POST['iQuantity'] ) ){
$iProductAdd $_POST['iProductAdd'];
$iQuantity $_POST['iQuantity'];
  if( isset( 
$iProductAdd ) && is_numeric$iProductAdd ) && isset( $iQuantity ) && is_numeric$iQuantity ) ){
    if( !isset( 
$oProduct ) )
$oProduct Products::getInstance( );

    if( isset( 
$oProduct->aProducts[$iProductAdd] ) && is_numeric$oProduct->aProducts[$iProductAdd]['mPrice'] ) ){
      if( !isset( 
$aUrls ) )
$aUrls throwSiteUrls( );
// add product to basket

» Quick.Cart v6.x

Disable basket recount of the same product

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