Hello, I'm have e-shop on ur Quick.Cart 0.31 and i have a question.
How can I show 3 different categories on the main page? Well I want do something like this on the schema below:
---------------------------------------------------------- PROMOTION OF THE MONTH: ----------------------------------------------------------
produkt 1 | produkt 2 produkt 3 | produkt 4
---------------------------------------------------------- POMOTION OF THE WEEK: ----------------------------------------------------------
produkt 1 | produkt 2 produkt 3 | produkt 4
---------------------------------------------------------- LAST ADDED: ----------------------------------------------------------
produkt 1 | produkt 2 produkt 3 | produkt 4
I hope, I was clear enought. It's Very important, main page in my case must looks like that.
I also write similiar post in [pl] but there's no answer.. http://opensolution.org/forum/index.php?p=readTopic&nr=1171
plz help ^^
2005-09-20 11:09
The simplest way - without code modifications - is to:
Create the HTML for what you want to see Create a new Content page in QC, or select an existing one Cut/Paste your HTML into the page content Set this page to be your starting page
Ok, I know that:) But how can I include categories?
---------------------------------------------------------- PROMOTION OF THE MONTH: ----------------------------------------------------------
here inlude 'category 20' with 4 products to show
---------------------------------------------------------- POMOTION OF THE WEEK: ----------------------------------------------------------
here inlude 'category 22' with 4 products to show
---------------------------------------------------------- LAST ADDED: ----------------------------------------------------------
here inlude productList with 4 products to show
plz help ^^
2005-09-20 15:28
I stand by my first response.
Note the words " - without code modification - "!
It sounds to me like what you're after is an extra field added to the products file that will enable you to mark products as 'month promotion' and/or 'week promotion', WITH a new template, AND some new code, AND some upgraded maintenance facilities, AND a modified lastProduct plugin, all of which might enable you to produce this front page programmtically.