help needed ...


Avatar: adam

2005-09-17 16:13


I downloaded and it generates

No block: NO_FOTO in file: templates/default/categories_start_page.tpl

the above error on the top of the page

Also when I try to upload a picture for a category or a product I get the following error....

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /export/home/sunflower/public_html/test/test/libraries/FotoJobs.php on line 264

What I want is when a person arrives at the main index page for the storefront, he sees the set of the thumbnails in a grid [rows and columns] followed by the catagory name right under each image.

Hope you can help...


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-09-17 18:04

adam - you have gd2 library off ... search forum by "gd2" keyword or read link below


Avatar: adam

2005-09-18 04:50


I don't know how to turn it on ...

I have

- PHP Version 4.3.1
- GD Support enabled
- GD Version 2.0 or higher
- PNG Support enabled
- WBMP Support enabled

More reference :

I checked out /libraries/FotoJobs.php but I found no indication of the turning on gd2

or am I supposed to download the library from


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-09-18 08:25

hmm.... i know that gd2 have function "imagecreatefromjpeg()". if you see error "Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg()" then gd2 must be off.

Check below:


Avatar: adam

2005-09-18 09:10

ok... i am not sure ...


function "imagecreatefromjpeg()"
function "imagecreatefromgif()"

both seem to work ... I have tried them .. data is saved ONLY IF i use REALLY SMALL images, however if the size increase the error appears,
same goes for *.png

so I focused on the line # where the error occured >> Line 264

258 if ( !$aImgProperties[2] == 2 ) {
259 return null;
260 }
261 else {
262 switch( $sImgExt ) {
263 case 'jpg':
264 $mImgCreate = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $sImgBackup );
265 break;
266 case 'jpeg':
267 $mImgCreate = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $sImgBackup );
268 break;
269 case 'png':
270 $mImgCreate = ImageCreateFromPNG( $sImgBackup );
271 break;
272 case 'gif':
273 $mImgCreate = ImageCreateFromGIF( $sImgBackup );
274 }



Avatar: adam

2005-09-20 09:20

I have noticed one more thing

Large images can be inserted for products but not for categories


there is no thumbnail generation...

Please tel me how to install the GD2 library,
If I download it from the offical site, then what do I do ?




No avatar

2005-09-20 18:59

i think you have GD2 but it isnt enabled -
ask your hoster to activate or use your install menu

excuse my bad english plz - i'm a german girl

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