I am using QuickCart for two projects already and want to setup for a third one, for a friend.
He needs more options for his sales project. I use Quick.Cart 6.5.
First, I cannot find anything that compile sales statistics. Is there a plug-in or anything designed for QuickCart? (ex: how many products sold, amount of money earned in total)
Second, I am using the PayPal plug-in to do the payments. When the basket is ready, the customer enters his/her informations and confirm. Then, there is a long delay (5-10 seconds) before the page switch to the Paypal payment page. It can be confusing for customer because of the delay and can leave the page. For the admin, the invoice gets in the admin system even if the customer haven't paid with Paypal. This is because it gets to the "Invoice details" page in any case.
How can it be possible to get to the Paypal payment page BEFORE the invoice gets into the admin system and the customer receives a confirmation message?
Hope it is not too heavy to understand. Thank you very much for your time and help if you can!
The 15000 means miliseconds. So it equals 15 seconds. Change it to 1000 (1 second) or another value.
2. The order is saved, even if customer didn't pay with PayPal. - if he orders with another payment option (e.g. bank transfer) so the order is saved too but it's still not paid; - it won't be easy to make saving the order depending on "paid" or "not paid". - the saved order is not equal with official-invoice. It is just an order with number xxx...
3. Statistic. The QC is the best "raw material" to make all functions and facilities you ever dreamed of.
1. Yes, it works for the delay, thank you! I am looking now, how to open the Paypal window into a new window. I understood just right now that PHP will not understand my 'new window' command, like in HTML.
How can it be done?
I do this, because I want the customer to see his/her informations of invoice.
2. Thanks for the answer. I think I will leave it as is.
3. Great to know that QuickCart is more customizable than I thought! The thing is that I know very little about programming. I am curious how it can be possible to make some kind of Sales Statistics: (ex. how many of a specific product has been sold in a year) I saw this in other e-commerce interfaces, but didn't liked how they worked, so I came back on Quick.Cart.
4. I have also another another request. Is there a way, in a product page, to add an additionnal choice? (Ex. Size of item) Here's a link of an example of carrots seeds: http://www.highmowingseeds.com/organic-non-gmo-seeds-napoli-f1-hybrid-carrot.html There, you can choose the unit size and the quantity.
Ad. 3 Some bigger changes are necessary. In a shop that works already and has a lot of orders (really a lot!) the picking up the sold products can take more time than the standard timeout setting (30 seconds). In a new shop it is good to create a new field in products DB e.g. "iSold" where after every order the sold amount will be saved. A time field (creation date of product in shop) is helpful as well. I recommend to combine this with stock management.
Ad. 1 This can be problematic, because opening a new window with "foreign" address, the browser by customer can interprete this as a pop-up and block it. Better is to "granulate" the order informations, which are sent to PayPal. Now the plugin sends only order ID and the total price of the order. But You can send a product list with single prices and amounts and this will be visible in the PayPal interface. A "bit" of work on the _order-payments.php in PayPal section.
Interesting and more difficult for me than I expected, I should say.
Thank you very much for your time, by the way!
As for the #4: I looked at your link that goes on the forum topic about the item size and colour. I will write my question on that topic about that precise thing.
#3: I found an interesting Product statistics plug-in designed for Quick.Cart v.2 It seemed to correspond to my needs, but the problem is that files like ".tpl" were used back in the time and are not anymore in Quick.Cart 6.5. It's in the archive folder of the plug-ins of Quick.Cart. named : "ordersStatistics_v1.1.zip".
Do you think there's a way to implement a very similar plug-in?
#1: Thanks for the info. My knowledge in coding is not so huge. I am more at ease to spot things in css and html, but PHP seems a new planet for me. I will leave this as it, for now. Thank you for the details, though.