Paysat Merchant API


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2005-09-12 14:16

Paysat Merchant API


API integration is a solution provided by PaySat Inc. to all merchants that have their own orders database, and desire to keep the order page under their identity.

Paysat offers two solutions that vary according to the environment of the merchant site:
 CGI script (platform independent).
 Managed .Net DLL, for integration with .Net web projects.

This document illustrate the .Net integration module

.Net API Integration

To use the .Net DLL API, the following steps must be performed:

a. The merchant will download .Net API version from his Paysat Merchant Profile which will contain 3 files (MerchantApiWebService.dll , MerchantAPIClient.dll & MAPIConfig.xml)
b. The merchant will include those file in his shopping Cart Web Project and add a reference to them so that he can use the classes included in them.
c. Using (MerchAPIClient) class which is included in (MerchantAPIClient) namespace the merchant will create an order object.
d. This object will contain the 5 Functions that will be used.
Merchant will pass the required parameters for each Function, this function return a string which will contain the Response to ordering operation.

- AmountOrder

The parameters will be passed to this function are:

( loginName , loginPassword , orderID , merchantID , DomainID , amount , currency , orderDescription , cardType , cardNo , ValidityMonth , validityYear , cardCVV , cardHolderName , countryID , billingState , billingAddress , billilngZipCode , billingEmail , billingPhone , billingCity , buyerIP )

- SingleOrder

The parameters will be passed to this function are:

( loginName , loginPassword , orderID , productID , merchantID , DomainID , cardType , cardNo , ValidityMonth , validityYear , cardCVV , cardHolderName , countryID , billingState , billingAddress , billilngZipCode , billingEmail , billingPhone , billingCity , buyerIP )

- RecurringOrder

The parameters will be passed to this function are:

( loginName , loginPassword , orderID , productID , merchantID , DomainID , cardType , cardNo , ValidityMonth , validityYear , cardCVV , cardHolderName , countryID , billingState , billingAddress , billilngZipCode , billingEmail , billingPhone , billingCity , buyerIP )

- SpecialOrder

The parameters will be passed to this function are:

( loginName , loginPassword , orderID , productID , merchantID , DomainID , cardType , cardNo , ValidityMonth , validityYear , cardCVV , cardHolderName , countryID , billingState , billingAddress , billilngZipCode , billingEmail , billingPhone , billingCity , buyerIP , recurringPeriodInDays )

- GetStatus

This function is used to get the order status (Authorized, Captured, etc.)

Merchant can design his Web Application so that he can pass the parameters using a Web Page that contain the required Fields and assign every field to the function desired.

For instance you can use this syntax

private void Recurring()
MerchantAPIClient.MerchAPIClient Order_Object = new MerchantAPIClient.MerchAPIClient();
string Return_Text = Order_Object.RecurringOrder(login.Text,password.Text,order.Text,product.Text,mer chant.Text,domain.Text,cardtype.Text,cardno.Text,vmonth.Text,vyear.Text,cvv.Text ,hname.Text,country.Text,state.Text,address.Text,zipcode.Text,email.Text,phone.T ext,city.Text,ip.Text);



Order_Object is the Object was instantiated from (MerchAPIClient) class

2-(login,password,order,product,merchant,domain,cardtype,cardno,vmonth,vyear,cvv ,hname,country,state,address,zipcode,email,phone,city,ip) are the text boxes that are used in merchant web form and they will be passed to the Function (Order_Object.RecurringOrder)

Please note that the XML included with API is unique for every merchant, it contains an important data that is essential for Communication between PaySat & the Merchant.

Payment parameters:
The web page that will call the script must provide the following parameters:

Parameter Description
login Merchant username
password Merchant password
merchant Merchant ID
domain Merchant domain id
ordertype 0=Amount, 1=Single, 2=Recurring
order Merchant ordered
prod Product ID (Not required for Amount Orders)
amount Amount (Only for amount orders)
currency Currency (Only for amount orders)
desc Description (Only for amount orders)
cardtype 1=Visa, 2=MasterCard
cardno Credit Card Number
cvv Credit Card cvv2 or cvc
vyear Credit Card expiry year format yyyy
vmonth Credit Card expiry month format mm
hname Credit Card holder name
email Credit Card holder email
country Country
state 1 for outside USA and Canada up to 63
address Billing address
city Billing City
zipcode Zip code
phone Phone
ip Buyer current IP address

Return Value:
The return value will be either Success or a self descriptive error message otherwise.

mary hanz

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