is ut possible to replace tinymce to Fckeditor ?


Avatar: aloni

2014-01-10 23:51

I wonder and like to use Fckeditor in my quick cart.
is it possible? and how to do it?

» Quick.Cart v6.x

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2014-01-11 16:25

Use plugin CKEditor ... this the same


Avatar: aloni

2014-01-15 15:26

Thanks treewood
But CKEditor cant upload images in the upload window...with Fckeditor there is no problem

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2014-01-16 14:48

aloni - oh no ... dont use file managers to WYSiWYG. If you will use it is possible that your site will be hacked.


Avatar: aloni

2014-01-17 07:51

Im using Fckeditor in most of my sites for a long time and im using it to upload images to the userfiles file,
and im doing it with the usuall image upload there a problem or a security problem?....

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