2013-11-08 13:40
Read instruction here: http://opensolution.org/faq-how-to-update-quick.cart-to-the-latest-version-,en,154,229.html
» Quick.Cart v6.x 2016-11-21 06:57
I have upgrade from quick cart 4.1 to 6.7. Problem: I try to add item to basket but the basket was empty. anyone can help me solved it?
2016-11-21 09:14
1. Basket > Advanced > Theme: Order-step-1.php 2. Settings > Pages > Page with basket: Basket
StudioStrona.pl 2016-11-22 11:28
after i convert, it come out with this error for the general.php file... any one can help me this? Notice: Constant LANGUAGE_IN_URL already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 147 Notice: Constant LANGUAGE_SEPARATOR already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 148 Notice: Constant LANGUAGE already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 237 Notice: Constant DIR_CORE already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 270 Notice: Constant DIR_FILES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 274 Notice: Constant DIR_LIBRARIES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 275 Notice: Constant DIR_PLUGINS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 276 Notice: Constant DIR_LANG already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 277 Notice: Constant DIR_TEMPLATES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 278 Notice: Constant DB_PAGES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 281 Notice: Constant DB_PAGES_FILES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 282 Notice: Constant DB_PRODUCTS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 283 Notice: Constant DB_PRODUCTS_FILES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 284 Notice: Constant DB_PRODUCTS_PAGES already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 285 Notice: Constant DB_ORDERS_TEMP already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 287 Notice: Constant DB_ORDERS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 288 Notice: Constant DB_ORDERS_PRODUCTS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 289 Notice: Constant DB_CONFIG already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 293 Notice: Constant DB_CONFIG_LANG already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 294 Notice: Constant MAX_DIMENSION_OF_IMAGE already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 296 Notice: Constant HIDDEN_SHOWS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 297 Notice: Constant DISPLAY_EXPANDED_MENU already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 298 Notice: Constant WYSIWYG already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 299 Notice: Constant VERSION already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 300 Notice: Constant TIME_DIFF already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 301 Notice: Constant SESSION_KEY_NAME already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 302 Notice: Constant DISPLAY_SUBCATEGORY_PRODUCTS already defined in /database/config/general.php on line 303
2016-11-22 13:30
1. You must save php files as UTF-8 (without BOM). I would recommend the program Notepad++ 2. Use BINARY mode in FTP connection and CHMOD 777 for some folders and files: http://opensolution.org/Quick.Cart/docs/ext_6.6/?id=en-requirements#2
StudioStrona.pl 2016-12-07 10:27
after i complete convert to qc 6.7, it come out basket problem. when i add product to basket, the basket was empty.
2018-10-16 20:32
I had the QC 6.2 running for some years. Now, trying to convert it to v6.7, the problems is, that even if following instructions suggested above, the QC loads with my adjusted template, I can see the navigation and heading of all pages, but there is no product shown to test if the QC works at all. What may be wrong?
2018-10-17 08:56
Maybe option "products" is not checked on page?
Zbyszek - StudioStrona.pl 2019-09-05 05:06
Thanks for sharing this solution. I am sure other users will benefit from you taking the time to write this up.