Contact form – add new fields, modify sMailContent?


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2005-08-13 21:25


I added few new input field at contact_form.tpl file
How I can add those field to the email messages?

I’am not very experienced, at coding
Using version 0.3.1



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2005-08-14 10:59

I have the same question. Can anyone help?


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2005-08-14 14:58

Solved my problem.
I modified conatct_form and I use in action parameters my ISP send form cgi scripts


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2005-08-16 02:17

I suppose that's the answer. I had a suspicion that Quick.Cart could handle this internally but I guess a third party script is the only way. Sad to have to go this route.

Thanks for the update, looks like I'll do the same.

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