admin core/products error


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2005-08-11 23:18

I keep getting this error in the admin CP

Parse error: parse error in /core/products-admin.php on line 1
on fresh install???

server settings:
Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix)
PHP version 4.3.3


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2005-08-12 00:34

Happened with me to, here's what i did:

open the products-admin.php (the one you downloaded from opensolution) and copy the content, then open the file on your server throug your ftp prog and paste the stuff in there. i have no idea why this works but for me it does.
I noticed that the file on my server had no linebreaks, the local version had, well no idea but it works now.



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2005-08-12 00:46

will try thanks


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2005-08-12 02:37

that worked, thanks, small and stupid lol


Avatar: nick

2006-04-22 08:32

I tried this fix, but didn't work for me. Any other ideas?


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2006-04-22 12:18

I have heard about uploading the file as binary.


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2006-09-20 14:58

i've tryed both uploading as binary and paste the code from products-admin.php from a fresh download. Any other ideas?

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2006-09-20 18:33

bullpappa - try other program to upload


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2006-09-23 16:31

Had this problem, fixed it by taking the wonderful advice of Lutz!

*applauds Lutz*

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