
Quick.Cms v2.0 beta - released!

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-12 13:40

New Quick.Cms v2.0 beta released.

Changes are here (if someone is good in english, please translate better that we):

You can test this version here:

There is no download version of v2.0 beta. Next release will be candidate and will be available in download.

Please read changeLog and test whole administration options. Test design in different browsers, test WAI etc.

If You will find bug, something unclear then write it here please!


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2007-10-12 15:03

Hello, nice job boys and girl =p

Few sugestions:
- lightbox: hanging images with text (close, prev, next) to written, editable and translatable text
- site position on site list changable by drag-and-drop =p
- bigger "save" buttons
- files from server - it'll be great if thumbnails display after hover file name on list


Avatar: cgan

2007-10-12 17:32

Very well done! I like this CMS more and more.


No avatar

2007-10-12 20:29

i think this version looks like blog...


Avatar: remek

2007-10-13 10:16

Nową wersję QCMS przetestowałem w przeglądarkach: IE6 i 7, FireFox, Opera. DZIAŁA BEZBŁĘDNIE, nie doszukałem się błędów (jest tylko małe przesunięcie w IE 6 w administracji - jak się kliknie na zakładkę "Files" to trochę opada lewa strona gdzieś o 2px). Po raz kolejny chłopaki stanęli na wysokości zadania. Nowy design strony i administracji bardzo mi się podoba. Już kiedyś zastanawiałem się czy można bardziej udoskonalić administrację pod względem intuicyjności, okazuje się że jeszcze się da :). Bardzo dużo fajnych nowych opcji, które w poprzednich wersjach trzeba było korygować w php. Dla mnie dużym plusem jest nowa pozycja "SEO", która umożliwia przypisywanie swoich meta tag-ów do każdej podstrony, co ma duży wpływ na pozycjonowanie. Już nie mogę się doczekać na wersję NORMAL i EXT :). Dobra robota, tylko tak dalej!


Avatar: wskizz

2007-10-13 13:34

Dla mnie bomba. Chylę czoła przed twórcami. Po prostu malinowo. Kiedy będzie można pobrać to cudo?



Avatar: gwcheck

2007-10-13 18:52

what will be new functionality ?
save as pdf options on a page ? email to options ? stats ? blogs ? sub menu's ? option to take the image on top away and start right away with the page ?

just curious, to see if the upgrade is worth it ;-)


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-13 22:49

gwcheck - check changelog and You will knew what is new:


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2007-10-14 08:44

Very nice. I like the admin area.

But i would like to see another design that does not look like a blog. If you could have a couple of different templates to chose from would be very good.

When will the stable version come out?

Great job by the way!


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-15 00:26

Where we can setup default pic sizes in v2.0?
In Pade/Files -- only choise between 100 and 150 px
In Settings -- not found

Thank you for job!


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-15 00:40

some functional changes were made with page editing:
themes choose in selected page possibility to change site design in selected page
templates choose in selected page possibility to change template file in selected page

Wait this so long time. Great!
But not understend for which target is function "Styles template" (css changer) in this case... (who use it and for which)


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-15 00:55

+ sugestion
In admin UI titles with red background not good idea for my mind.
Whan edit page all time try click BIG-RED title "Pages" insteed small-grey button "pages" to go to page tree :)

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-15 09:12

Oxana -
1. about sizes - this editable in config/general.php.
2. about styles template in settings - this helps to use another freeware skins and choose in settings


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2007-10-15 09:43

czy bedzie mozna uaktualnic versje 1.2 do wersji 2.0 czy bedzie trzeba recznie wszystko przenosic lub zrobic od nowa??


Avatar: grabek

2007-10-15 10:39


nowa wersja prezentuje się świetnie! Żadnych błędów jak do tej pory nie przyuważyłem.
Przyłączam się do pytania - kiedy będzie można pobrać nową wersję? :-)

Jakub Grabowski


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-15 11:04

szmundrok - grafike niestety bedzie trzeba przeniesc rzecznie ale dla bazy danych jest konwerter

grabek - zobaczymy ale mysle, ze do 2-3 tygodni. Oprocz poprawek musimy przygotowac do tego instrukcje obslugi, dokumentacje, przystosowac dodatki platne i darmowe.


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-15 20:25

1. about sizes this editable in config/general.php.

Treewood - think this not so comfortable for editors to digging in cms code.
Found possibility to setup as pic default size (in Setting) as size for each one pic (in Page editing) so useful functionality.
Pity if new version lost it.


Avatar: len

2007-10-16 09:52

I think it looks great. Everyone will make there own design for your product. So if it looks like a blog just change the design / css. I am very happy that you have made changes to the administration panel. It works like a charm. Also the file / image upload function is great. I am missing a search field will this be there when the product is ready.
Will you make quick.cart like quick.cms. Because it would be very nice for quick.cart to.
Can we still integrate fckeditor if we want ? because with fckeditor you can realy choose where u want a picture to be... on a static page.

When will the ext edition be ready. And what features will it have ?

greetings luke

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-16 19:00

len - search engine will be in full Quick.Cms, fckeditor is not good ... it is not xhtml 1.1 valid, Quick.Cart will be integrated with Quick.Cms. About Ext ... soon :)

Oxana - many editors destroy designs of their website because they use not good colors, too big thumb images etc on their pages. Sizes of images are in config/general.php and webmasters with editors will talk what sizes they must have in website. This will protect with destroying their pages.


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2007-10-16 19:13

Very good job, QCMS is becoming a great little CMS ...
Good idea about Lightbox integrated, it exists also a lighter version called Slimbox ...
And maybe a choice in config to disable Lightbox display ?
Xhtml 1.1 is a good thing too but not yet understood by IE, xhtml 1.0 strict is sufficient.
Thanks to the QCMS team !

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