Adding to Contact Us Form


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2005-07-29 13:32

I just downloaded this a few days ago and I love it, you guys have done an amazing job making the most moudlar shopping cart I have ever seen.

I'm making a site for a client, of course strictly following all the guidelines set forth under the GPL and one of the things he wants is a request form. I'm displaying the cart inside his existing design which already has a contact us form so I want to use the Quick.Cart contact form to do this. I read in the admin/manual/getting_started_answers.html ;
[quote]To create a Form Field, right-click on the "Contact Us Form" link and choose "Open in a New Window". On the right is a form titled "Create a Field".[/quote] I'm using version 0.3.1 and this does not to be an option in my admin area.

I edited contact_form.tpl to accomadate my needs but can't find the code accessed by ?p=p_1&send=true.

How can I have my new fields included in the email sent from the contact us page.


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2005-08-06 11:11

Anyone have an idea? I can't find this anywhere inside the script. I can add a third-party script but I'm sure QUICK.CART has everything built right in.

Thanks for any help

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