taxAndDiscount is not working


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2005-07-27 05:17

I'm using QC v.3.0.1 and I found that the taxAndDiscount v1.0 plugin is not working! When I tried to update the basket, it shows BLANK PAGE and cannot process anymore, do anyone knows how to fix this problem? thx!


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2005-07-28 23:31

it seems there are some problems with taxAndDiscount plugin & latest QC version.

( )

plugin probably needs updating :)


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2005-07-31 18:36

There is a problem with TADv1.0 on QCv0.3.1 but its in the Admin back-end not the front end, so I can't see what would be causing your problem of no page at all, especially if there are no errors being reported (and I assume you have error reporting enabled!).

You say "when I tried to update the basket" - do you literally mean 'update', as in .. there was a product already in the basket and you were trying to update the quantity - or do you mean you were trying to add a product to an otherwise empty basket?
Or ... do you mean you were trying to progress from the Basket to inputting the Delivery instructions? - because the Delivery page is the first time TAD gets involved!

Basically, more information would be extremely useful, but be aware that TADv1.0 will be replaced by v1.1 very shortly, to fix the back-end problem caused by a rename of a core QC function in QCv0.3.1.

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