

No avatar

2005-07-26 20:06

I just installed the taxAndDiscount v0.1 plugin.
Now whenever you go to the delivery page, it gives the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: countbasketproducts() in c:\domains\\wwwroot\mem\ant\actions_client\tax.php on line 33

Where is this countbasketproducts normally definded?


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2005-07-26 22:29

What version QC you running?


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2005-07-26 22:33



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2005-07-31 18:39

Firstly, you are using the wrong version of TAD! The 0.1 version is for QCv0.2.x only; you should be using TADv1.0!

Secondly, TADv1.0 has been broken by the renaming of a core function in QCv0.3.1 so that Admin back-end no longer works. TADv1.1 will be released shortly to correct the problem.

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