Easy Navigation Plugin available!


Avatar: beholder

2008-10-12 21:35

Greetings, fellow users of Quick Cart 3.x,

Today I have finally finished the Easy Navigation plugin that allows displaying of left menu subcategories in the page content area! This is a great feature that is missing in all of the original Quick Cart versions.

If you have many categories in your webshop, your customers may have a problem: whenever they click somewhere in the long list of product categories (menu on the left) the page reloads and they end up in the beginning of the categories listing, even though they still want to click some subcategory. This is a particular problem when they click on a category located down the long list, perhaps even the last one. The customer has to waste time and scroll down through the list again just to click a subcategory and then again, the page "jumps" to the top of the list. Although this is a very normal behavior of Quick Cart 3.x, modification is needed so that the customer doesn't have to scroll down the page every time he wants to click a product category!

Let me get back to the genesis of this plugin. In this thread, 4 months ago, I have asked a question if it would be possible to make this feature:
It obviously was not easy. It took me months to get to this point, I have spent countless hours over this plugin because hacking menu displaying was quite difficult. I stubbornly refused to give up even though I failed at two ocassions to finish this plugin, it was just too damn difficult. Finally, a 5-hour long programming and analysis session yielded the desired result: product subcategories were listed and displayed in the page area. The plugin includes a modified template file, modified CSS and modified PHP code, all working together to allow for seamless Quick Cart integration and easy navigation for your customers. For convenience I have moved the "navipath" (the original small navigation path to the current product category) over the current category name so that both Easy Navigation and navipath form one awesome navigation feature that is a MUST for every robust Quick Cart e-shop!!

And this plugin allows for even more! Used with a small modification it allows to completely hide subcategories listing in the left menu (only the main categories remain on the left) and customers can navigate easily only though in-content subcategories links.
Still another small modification allows you to display only those products that really belong to the category (or subcategory) that the customer views. No more confusion is needed, no more products from subcategories in the main product categories!

Webmasters, GET THIS PLUGIN, seriously. Some customers HATE bad website navigation, they get easily frustrated by clumsy websites. They want to click fast, no more unnecessary scrolling! Don't give them the excuse to close the window of your webshop, keep those customers glued to your pages!

You can get this plugin in my Easy Plugins 3 pluginpack, for the same price as was the original price of the plugin pack. Easy Plugins 3 now contains 8 different plugins enhancing QC functionality, more info here:

» Quick.Cart v3.x

QC 3.x

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