Adding table to content

Bob Basli

Avatar: Bob Basli

2008-10-02 13:01

I want to add a table to the content of my products. I just don't know how. In another CMS program that also uses TinyMCE, the option to add a table is in the wysiwyg. Does anyone know how to alter TinyMCE or can anyone help me out?

» Quick.Cart v3.x

using QC 3.1 free


Avatar: Makaron

2008-10-03 10:13

You can use html tags for making table it is one option.. I don't know what option have this editor: maybe it have table making option..

Bob Basli

Avatar: Bob Basli

2008-10-03 10:24

Thanks Makaron,
I was hoping someone could tell me how to edit the wysiwyg TinyMCE but maybe I'll switch to FCKeditor.

using QC 3.1 free


Avatar: gwmbox

2008-10-04 06:13

Easy to do, in your admin/edit.tpl file

locate your tinyMCE.init

Add under

mode : "exact",

this line

plugins : "table",

Then after the line

theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",

add these lines

theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "tablecontrols",
table_styles : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3",
table_cell_styles : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Cell=tableCel1",
table_row_styles : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1",

You will need to download TinyMCE from the main TinyMCE website and then in the plugins folder grab the plugin you want (tables) and copy that to the tinymce plugin folder for QuickCart.

You can actually get every option for TinyMCE working including advImage,m advlink etc - I actually do not use the File function in the Cart and use the upload functions within TinyMCE :)

I am still unsure why the devs provide a cut down version of TinyMCE when the full version with all plugins are so helpful....


Bob Basli

Avatar: Bob Basli

2008-10-06 14:32

Many thanks gwmbox,
this is something that's working the way I hoped!

using QC 3.1 free

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