Easy Plugins 3 for Quick Cart 3.x plugin pack available!


Avatar: beholder

2008-07-13 21:50

Dear members of the Quick Cart board, fellow developers, users of Quick Cart,

It is with great satisfaction that I can present to you a new plugin pack for Quick Cart, called Easy Plugins 3 for Quick Cart 3.x.

This plugin pack contains very useful functionality missing in all of the original Quick Cart 3 versions. Easy Plugins 3 plugin pack DOES NOT replace functionality of original Quick Cart Pro or Ext versions, these plugins give users and maintainers of Quick Cart quite a lot of the additional and sought-after functionality.

This is an advanced and evolved solution that builds on the functionality of free version of Quick Cart 3.x, possibly being able to function on the Pro and Ext versions (not tested, should work flawlessly). The plugins themselves, some inspired by older Quick Cart plugins and some developed from the scratch, are easily installable and perfectly reliable. They are advanced solutions tested on both Quick Cart 3.0 and an expected Quick Cart 3.1.

There are 5 plugins in the Easy Plugins 3 for Quick Cart 3.x plugin pack:
Plugin 2 Prices 3.1.3
Plugin Check Update 3.1.2
Plugin Free Delivery 3.0.1
Plugin Easy Banner 3.0.1
Plugin USA States Tax 3.0

Following are short descriptions of individual plugins in the plugin pack:

Plugin 2 Prices 3.1.3 - display prices of product in multiple currencies or multiple prices (e.g. VAT+non-VAT price)

Got an international QuickCart-based e-shop? Would you like to get people from overseas buying your products? Furthermore, would you like to have corporations and companies buying products from you? Do you want to do business with the whole world? This plugin can display different currencies (the secondary currency is based on the ratio calculated from the 1st one) or different prices, like a price with VAT and a price without VAT. Need even more prices displayed? After some customisation, this plugin can display even three or more prices!

Plugin Check Update 3.1.2 - make sure customer gets the Quick Cart webpage of a product the customer originally requested

This plugin checks whether the customer uses an URL of the product he or she actually requested. This plugin is custom-made perfect for those, who use several webshops within one Quick Cart installation - a feat that can be quite easily accomplished using the languages feature of the original Quick Cart 3.x. With this plugin the multiple-shop functionality is perfected because without it the original Quick Cart 3.0 and 3.1 actually "do not know" from what webshop the product was requested (it's just guessed from a simple cookie that changes as the customer changes the webshops). Even owners using one shop in several languages will appreciate the functionality of this plugin: with this one you don't have to have totally identical product databases in various language versions of your e-shop. I know, it was a major pain in the ass but now help is on the way!

Plugin Free Delivery 3.0.1 - free delivery to customers making order over certain amount or ordering certain number of products

This plugin allows for fully customisable delivery, something that the original Quick Cart 3.0 and Ext and Pro versions didn't quite think of. With this plugin you can easily set up a price, after which the order gets sent for free to the customer, regardless of what payment/carrier combination the customer chooses. Furthermore, the order can be free after a certain number of products was ordered. All is fully customisable. The administration displays the final order price without the delivery/payment fees when the delivery is free.

Plugin Easy Banner 3.0.1 - display banners or special product(s) with description anywhere in Quick Cart

Basically the plugin adds rotating ads to a place on your Quick Cart page(s). You can also easily modify the look and displaying of the banner: it can display any product picture and have promotional text(s) under that picture or it can display bigger banners, etc. Of course, the ads are randomly rotating - that means they usually change with every page reload. With Quick Cart 3.x the functionality is even more enhanced, because for different pages there can be set different templates and themes --> that means you can have EasyBanner rotating ads on just one page and not on any other or perhaps just in one theme.
Editing and updating of basic banner information is done via editing a simple file in db/ directory. No interface is necessary, since it's very simple. The EasyBanner is a true QuickCart plugin (it is no hack), therefore it's quite simple to set up.

Plugin USA States Tax 3.0 - enable different tax rates and tax display in Quick Cart 3.x

Allow the customer to choose, display and count with various pre-defined tax rates. Previously developed from the scratch for USA customers, this plugin can be used anywhere in the world to enable customers select their own tax rate that applies to them. This plugin is also supported in administration where it displays the tax rate the customer chose along with neccessary price/order calculations. No version of Quick Cart 3.x, neither Free, Pro or Ext by itself supports this feature, only Easy Plugins 3 enable the shop-owner truly leverage this in Quick Cart.

Price and where to get Easy Plugins 3:

What is the price of this bonus plugin pack? All five plugins alltogether are available for mere 70 EUR, including VAT etc. To obtain more information please contact me using the information on the Easy Plugins 3 webpage: http://www.tigerware.sk/easyplugins/
On the plugin pack webpage are also more complete descriptions of the plugins functionality, so do check it out, if there is a possibility that you might need one or more of these plugins.

I also wholeheartedly encourage the users of Quick Cart 3.0 e-commerce solution to buy some more plugins from OpenSolution.org website. These plugins allow for more customisation of Quick Cart 3.0 and complement the Easy Plugins 3 plugin pack in enhancing Quick Cart. All together, these plugins form MASSIVE solution satisfying even the most demanding webshop owners.

Best Regards,


» Quick.Cart v3.x

QC v3.x


Avatar: beholder

2008-10-10 00:12

It is again my pleasure to announce additional two more plugins compementing the Easy Plugins 3 for Quick Cart 3.x plugin pack: the Dual Tax plugin and the Easy Redirect plugin. These two additional plugins are both offered together with the original 5 plugins in one plugin pack FOR THE SAME PRICE as was the price of the original plugin pack!!!

Here are the descriptions of functionality of these two additional plugins:

Plugin Dual Tax 3.0.2 - enable products with two individual tax rates and display these two tax rates in basket and order form

German folks have two different tax rates: smaller one applies to food and books, the bigger one applies to all other merchandise. This plugin uses an ingenious solution to allow for one of these two tax rates to be individually selected when inputting products into Quick Cart and then display them as well as count totals with these rates as customer shops and orders. This does not require change of any database structure at all, which makes this plugin very compatible with all 3.x versions of Quick Cart. Percentage amounts for the rates can be easily set in the QC configuration file.

Plugin Easy Redirect 3.1.2 - redirect your customers to different pages via custom redirect page

Ever needed to redirect your customers somewhere else while you wanted to make sure they read some kind of important message before leaving current page or your whole site? This plugin absolutely makes that possible. There are two levels of doing this, first you can just set up a redirect message "You will be redirected in 5 seconds.. etc" and let the customer be easily redirected from any page in Quick Cart. Second, you can MAKE SURE that the customer reads some message via a special message box that pops up - the customer must press "ok" button to be successfully redirected.

Furthermore, some of the older plugins have been refreshed and improved to new versions so don't hesitate to visit the Easy Plugins 3 webpage: http://www.tigerware.sk/easyplugins/
These seven plugins all together are available for mere 70 EUR, including VAT etc. It is also possible to buy individual plugins, but the plugins are sold in one plugin pack with an enormous discount. To obtain more information please contact me using the information on the Easy Plugins 3 webpage.


Avatar: beholder

2008-10-12 21:26

I just added a new plugin to my pluginpack, Easy Navigation 3.1.0.

The plugin allows your customers to easily navigate through subcategories of any product category! If you have many categories in your webshop, your customers may have a problem: whenever they click somewhere in the long list of product categories (menu on the left) the page reloads and they end up in the beginning of the categories listing, even though they still want to click some subcategory. This is a particular problem when they click on a category located down the long list, perhaps even the last one. The customer has to waste time and scroll down through the list again just to click a subcategory and then again, the page "jumps" to the top of the list. Although this is a very normal behavior of Quick Cart 3.x, modification is needed so that the customer doesn't have to scroll down the page every time he wants to click a product category.

The plugin includes a modified template file, modified CSS and modified PHP code, all working together to allow for seamless Quick Cart integration and easy navigation for your customers. For convenience I have moved the "navipath" feature (the original small navigation path to the current product category) over the current category name so that both Easy Navigation and navipath form one awesome navigation feature that is a MUST for every robust Quick Cart e-shop!!

And this plugin allows for even more! Used with a small modification it allows to completely hide subcategories listing in the left menu (only the main categories remain on the left) and customers can navigate easily only though in-content subcategories links.
Still another small modification allows you to display only those products that really belong to the category (or subcategory) that the customer views. No more confusion is needed, no more products from subcategories in the main product categories!

Webmasters, GET THIS PLUGIN, seriously. Some customers HATE bad website navigation, they get easily frustrated by clumsy websites. They want to click fast, no more unnecessary scrolling! Don't give them the excuse to close the window of your webshop, keep those customers glued to your pages!

I am adding this plugin to the existing 7 Easy Plugins, so the whole pluginpack now comes with 8 unique plugins for Quick Cart 3.x you probably can't get anywhere else. Not to mention, for the same price as before. More info on this link:

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