Sub-Subcategories Solution


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2008-03-22 07:16

This is something that occured to me as a simple, and yet good solution for subcategories and it's subcategories.

First make a new type of categories called ' hidden' (from a previous topic):

Edit core/categories.php and find:

$this->aTypes = Array( 1 => $lang['products'], 2 => $lang['content'] );

change to:

$this->aTypes = Array( 1 => $lang['products'], 2 => $lang['content'], 3 => 'hidden' );

After that add categories you want to type "hidden", and you will have visible categories. but not in menu!!! Than in categories Full Description make direct textual links to hidden subcategories. The result will be text link in content window - this makes it look like it is a subcategorie!!! You can add as many links as you like, and sa many sub subcategories as you wont.

Hope it'a helpfull

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