Tricky Dicky 2 - message after order send


Avatar: idaryl

2008-02-10 08:15

Ok boys and girls
open your lang file and look for line 28 or thereabouts

change this:
$lang['Order_finished'] = 'Your order has been saved and will be sent as soon as possible.<br />Thank You';

to this:
$lang['Order_finished'] = 'Thank you <font size="3em" font color="FF0000">$aData[sFirstName]</font> for your order.<br />A receipt has been auto-generated and sent to this address: <font size="2.75em" font color="000000">$aData[sEmail]</font><br /><br />Your order has been saved and will be sent as soon as possible.';

What it will do is add the first name of the person ordering the item (making the page more personalized) and displaying where the email was sent (clears up confusion about why they received an email - this works great if you have the email order to client enabled - if not - simply remove it from the string... it also colors the name too....

» Quick.Cart v2.x

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