World Pay


Avatar: ian

2004-12-28 23:17

Does anyone know if the cart can be used with world pay?


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2005-04-22 18:02


I am also looking to integrate the Worldpay payment gateway into the site that I am building at the moment.

From researching the Worldpay site they use HTML forms to pass the information to them and then use its 'callback' function to confirm payment etc. which then links to emails etc. (I think! - I am a University student designer and more at home with Flash and not a programmer).

What I need to know is where should I put the HTML code, orders_delivery.tpl perhaps?

Also how can I pick up on the variables for address and amount etc. so that the customer doesn't have to re-enter them?

I have added in most of the plugins and modified some of the other code to give the site a slighty different look so I hope that I can resolve this - as long as I know where to start.

Any suggestions?

If I can make it work I will happily make the code available for free! QC is a great program and if we can all contibute it will make better for everyone.



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2005-04-25 15:36

Did you ever get to integrate with Worldpay. If so how ?


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2005-04-26 17:29

Still working on it, I will keep you posted...

However, I was hoping that someone out there might have been able to give me a few clues to make it a little easier!




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2005-04-26 18:43

See additional new topic on bugs - reference changing 'orders_delivery.tpl'.



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2005-04-27 15:44

Bugs resolved need to use singleRateTax.tpl instead of orders_delivery.tpl.

Thanks Wizzud



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2005-04-30 17:55

More problems...

I have managed to integrate the code supplied by Worldpay into the singleRateTax.tpl file and linked the appropriate submit button to launch a separate window. A little bit clunky but it doesn't appear to cause any problems with the rest of the code on the site - I have included instructions on the page to tell the visitor what to do, Before they click send!

My problem now is to pick up the variables to include them in the hidden fields that are sent to WorldPay for processing. I have tried the following without success... and numerous versions of it!

<input type=hidden name="amount" value= "<?php echo $fSummary ?>">

Can anyone suggest the correct code?

Also can anyone confim that I have the correct varaibles for the other fields as follows:

Total Cost = $fSummary
First Name = $sFirstName
Last Name = $sLastName
Street = $sStreet
Post Code = $sZipCode
City = $sCity
Email = $sEmail
Order Id = $iOrder


anyone found an answer

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2006-01-15 20:57

Has anyone found an answer how to integrate quick cart into worl pay. I am a junior and need alot of help.



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2006-01-17 23:39

I have just intergrated our site with WorldPay (it's only a demo at the moe) and i am very very very new to PHP, anyway, got it working. you will need to change the paypal button but otherwise it will work.

<table class='operation_table' cellspacing='0' align='center'>
<td class='ok'>
<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />
<a href='javascript:windowNew( "?p=ordersWindowPrint&amp;iOrder=$iOrder" );'><b>$lang[Order_print]</b></a>
<br /><br />
<form target="paypal" name="_$iOrder" action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type=hidden name="instId" value="YOUR INSTALLATION ID">
<input type=hidden name="cartId" value="YOUR CART ID">
<input type=hidden name="amount" value="$fSummary">
<input type=hidden name="name" value="$sFirstName">
<input type=hidden name="address" value="$sStreet">
<input type=hidden name="postcode" value="$sZipCode">
<input type=hidden name="currency" value="GBP">
<input type=hidden name="desc" value="OrderID $iOrder">
<input type=hidden name="testMode" value="100">
<input type=hidden name="country" value="GB">
<input type=hidden name="email" value="$config[email]">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Paypal Payment Solutions - Secure and Reliable!">
<br /><br />
<a href='?p='>$lang[Homepage]</a>
<br /><br />

put the above in a file > templates\default\orders_payment.tpl

hope this works.

Scott Wilson
SW Network - IT Services


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2006-01-19 15:09

Hi Scott

Did you complete your demo. Can I view your site. I am in the process of linking it with worldpay. Shouldnt this file linked somewhere first?


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