DIV tag for search


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2006-02-07 03:53

Because of the additional content pages I've added, my search button displays below the nav bar.


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2006-02-07 10:08

Make a copy of your templates/default.css to myshop.css.
Play with the overall width of the shop (#container{width:...) and any other styles that may be necessary.
[switch between default.css and myshop.css in Admin-Configuration]


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2006-02-07 17:00

I just changed the word "Search" to "Find" in the language file and it fits much better.

Another question though, How do I remove the last space between the navigation and the search box?
|-- this guy right here
| home | about | basket | contact | | [ ] search


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2006-02-07 17:01

wow. had no idea the forum would hack away my spaces.
I meant the space between the "| |" between "contact" and "[ ] search"


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2006-02-07 17:20

You want the Search box to butt up next to contact (with a white bar separator as usual) instead of being floated out to the right hand edge of the shop-front?
Is that right?
If so, what do you want to see to the right of the Search box once it moves across? Background like the Search box? Or background like the main nav bar? Or something else?

To do that you're going to have to swap the FORM and UL around within the id=navi DIV (page.tpl) and change the style of #navi form{} to not float:right (and possibly muck about with widths too).

Hint: Use Firefox with the EditCSS and Web Developer extensions - makes life so much easier!


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2006-02-07 19:47

Wizzud, thanks for taking the time to understand what I'm saying, but I'm all turned around here.

I fixed the search button.

There is however, another block in the navbar that is just taking up space. This is what my navbar currently looks like.

| home | about | basket | contact | (empty space) | [search box] [button] |

The empty space between the "contact" navigation and "search" is a block that serves no use. How can I remove that space?


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2006-02-08 09:59

#nav ul {} has both float and width. Start by removing or adjusting the width.
You may also find the float is unnecessary, but since I still don't completely understand what overall effect you are trying to achieve, and I don't know what changes you've already made, its difficult to advise further without answers to a few questions.
If your nav bar currently fits the width of the shop front then you can't 'remove' empty space without creating space somewhere else in the nav bar. If your problem is that the nav bar is too wide, say so.
BTW did you notice the Hint above?

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