Adding navigation in v1.1?


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2006-01-29 08:26

I would like to add navigation to my cart, such as pages for "FAQ" "Customer Service" "Privacy Policy" etc.

In v.1.0 I believe there is a header.tpl, but in v.1.1 there is no header.tpl.

How do I go about adding navigation???


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2006-01-29 08:49

Ok So I've figured out that you just add a new $lang['pagename']= 'pagename'; in the language file, and follow the same structure in page.tpl for the other navigation found in the "<ul><li> </li></ul>" section of code.

But what about creating new .tpl files for say your customer service page, or an about us page? I tried <a href="?p=customerService"> and created a file called customer_service.tpl, but something is missing because it redirects me to the contact.tpl in index.php.


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2006-01-29 10:16

No, you're missing out a great chunk of QC's functionality.

Go to Admin
Select Add a Category
Give it a Name of, say, 'privacy'
In the Type dropdown, select 'content'
Leave the Parent category set to Main Category for now
Enter 'Privacy policy' in the Short Description, and type a few lines of your policy into the Fulll Description
Save, and Logout of Admin

Look at your shop menu now and you should see 'privacy' in the main nav menu. When clicked it should display the Full Description text you entered.

Now you need to play a bit more. Like products, content can also have sub-categories, so you could add another content-type category of 'Guarantees', say, but give it the parent category of 'privacy' (from the dropdown) and see what that does in the shop pages.

You should not have to play with the tpl files at this stage, unless, having added all your content pages you wish to change the way they are presented. Likewise, with the default.css, it may become necessary to do some slight re-styling if you add too many content categories attached to the Main Category - in order to get them to display neatly - but that can wait until you've set the content as you want it.


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2006-01-29 17:31

Wow, that was so bloody easy... now I understand $sContentMenu. Duh.

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