The solution to uploading images


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2005-10-29 15:22

After reading all related threads and experimenting with many different things I have found the solution for uploading images.

Before we begin, please be sure about the following:
1. You have gd library enabled (run phpinfo to check)
2. You have PHP 4.3.3.
3. You have basic knowledge of how permisions work

First of all as one of you mentioned you have to create under the files/products (small "p"). I don't know why this folder is not preinstalled but this is the only way it will work.
For those of you running on Windows platforms make sure that the following folders are not read-only: files, img, ext, products
For those on Linux make sure the following: read the about.txt file and chmod accordingly. Pay close attention to the db folder and inside it, the products.php file. Change them to 777. Also, Change to 777 the following folders products, img. Also chmod to 777 the libraries/FlatFiles.php

That's all.

You MUST NOT alter the code.

Also, all types of images are supported, up to a specific size.

The most usual type of errors you may see are fopen, fwrite, fclose. If you do, then check permissions.

If you have any other type of errors then either you are not running the GD library, or you have problems with the PHP version.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-10-29 21:57

yppds - thx for good manual :)


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2008-01-30 16:40

This is VERY VERY GOOD! Finally a good siolution.

Admin, PLEASE put this info in your readme.txt file!!! And get the /files/product folder pre-installed, because this was very confusing. Why did I have to add that folder manually?

For the rest, finally, i got a good working webshop, thanks!


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