Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart


Avatar: freko1964

2014-12-16 20:01

In the customer e mail is in the footer of the mail this line "Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart" In the Netherlands i wil it in dutch in the footer of the mail how can i change that to languase "nl"and "Verzonden door het programma Quick.Cart"

» Quick.Cart v6.x


Avatar: marcin_k

2014-12-16 22:55

Propably you are using polish version. Create new language for Dutch. You will find this code in core/orders.php in sendEmailWithOrderDetails function


Avatar: freko1964

2014-12-17 09:16

I use the duch language, but in core/orders.php is only polish and english version after i have changed i get an blango page then i have removed the dutch and now is there an other problem that i cant get in admin panel

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Avatar: freko1964

2015-01-21 09:13

I have get no answer of my question how can i change the polish language in footer of email customer, if i have changed that in core/orders.php than have i an blanco page and no website.


Avatar: boboo

2015-01-21 09:59

The easiest way:
create in all /database/translations/xx.php files
(xx means the language: pl, en, nl,...)
following variable:

$lang['sent_by_QC'] = "Sent by the Quick.Cart program";

(for english)

$lang['sent_by_QC'] = "Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart";

(for polish)

$lang['sent_by_QC'] = "Verzonden door de Quick.Cart programma";

(for dutch)

then in /core/orders.php in function -> sendEmailWithOrderDetails
exchange line:

$sMailContent .= "\n\n".( LANGUAGE == 'pl' ) ? 'Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart' 'Sent by the Quick.Cart program';


$sMailContent .= "\n\n".$lang['sent_by_QC'];

boboo :-)

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