It seems to me that by correcting the code below that I put in the container.tpl, the solution would be found. Thank you in advance
For the adaptation i have modify all this files: product.php in/action admin p et setting.php in /action admin lang.en.php in/config en.php in/lang setting.tpl in/templates/admin product.tpl in/templates/admin en_products.def.php in/db container.tpl in/templates product.php va in /core default.css in /templates
I have write this code in HEAD after the line <script type="text/javascript" src="$config[dir_core]litebox-1.0.js"></script>
Well token, where are you? Nobody has succeeded to integrate this plugin in v3.7 or 4 or 5? Publicity say in France: one day I would, I would. I hope it will be the same for me for this plugin. Thank you for your work, because I'm not at your level. Dominique
Hello. Nobody can really help me? I have really make the most big work. I'm sure someone could just tell me how to integrate the slider in the file container.tpl. Thank you in advance.
Hello, As I see nobody can help me to adjust the slider plugin in version 3.7, I wonder if it would be easier for programmers like you to explain to me how easily integrate a slider in my homepage on qc3 .7. I would integrate product images manually. No need to go through the admin, since it is so hard.I would do with coding. I will be eternally grateful. Dominique
Hi, This morning i have made a new try in template/page_default.tpl. The result is better, but i still have that gray area at the top of the page and it is impossible to click on the buttons next and previous. It seems to me that it is opening files javascript that does this.
here is the result:
here is my code in template /page_default.tpl:
<!-- BEGIN CONTAINER --> <div id="page"> $sTxtSize $aImages[3] $aImages[1] $aImages[2]
Good afternoon. I think I found the solution and especially my error. In fact, I must write the css part in file templates / plugins.css. Then I call the div in the file templates / container.tpl. I have m adethis with easyslider but I still have this part gray. Thank you for helping me to finalize. Here is my coding plugins.css:
I have seen that i have made a mistake in my below code.The right is: slidercontainer in css files and not sliderslidercontainer. But it dont work always. The forum is very dead at this time. I know that the time is important,but i am sure that for you, my question is a kind play. I promise you that i have made a big big job for try to integrate a slider in qc v3.7, but for the finish, i need for you. I know very well your cms in 3.7, and my site is very nice i think, but my php and css knowledge are in learning.
Hello, I hope this week end, someone will dedicate myself a little time. From the time that I try to incorporate a slider and a QC3.7 my many tests, my head will explode soon. Here is my latest try appears near the solution.I use now your simpleslider plugin for qc6
Unfortunately, this part always dark at the top of the page. The slider runs right as you see. The problem is probably in the css. Here is the code implemented.
<style type="text/css">@import "$config[dir_templates]$config[template]";</style> $sBanner <!-- END HEAD --> <!-- BEGIN BODY -->
<div id="head3"> $sMenu2 </div> <div id="content"> <div class="theme-default"><!-- SLIDER STARTS HERE --> <div id="slider" class="nivoSlider"> <img src="$config['dir_files']/slider-1.jpg" alt="" title="I NEED OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE" /><!-- PUT YOUR IMAGES HERE --> <img src="$config['dir_files']/slider-2.jpg" alt="fffffffffffff" title="PLEASE HELP ME" /> </div>
Hello to all. I finally managed to integrate the nivoslider in V3.7 QUICK CART. I really was not far from the solution. For those who are interrested, you can see the result here. I have put at the head, below the menu 2 and page header. Here's how to: putting the image folder in the root of the site. In the folder plugins put the folder nivo-slider. In the folder templates put the files nivoslider.css. Put the JS files in the folder plugins. Edit the file templates / container.tpl and write these lines.
<div class="slider-wrapper"> <div id="slider3" class="nivoSlider"> <img src="images/toystory.jpg" alt="I NEED OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE" /> <a href=""><img src="images/up.jpg" alt="PLEASE HELP ME" title="" /></a> <img src="images/walle.jpg" alt="BE NICE WITH ME" title="" /> <img src="images/nemo.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </div>
<div class="slider-wrapper"> <div id="slider" class="nivoSlider"> <img src="images/toystory.jpg" alt="I NEED OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE" /> <a href=""><img src="images/up.jpg" alt="PLEASE HELP ME" title="" /></a> <img src="images/walle.jpg" alt="BE NICE WITH ME" title="" /> <img src="images/nemo.jpg" alt="" /> </div>
</div> </div> </div>
<div id="navipath">$sPagesTree</div>
<div id="head5">
<div class="slider-wrapper"> <div id="slider2" class="nivoSlider"> <img src="images/nemo.jpg" alt="I NEED OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE" /> <a href=""><img src="images/toystory.jpg" alt="PLEASE HELP ME" title="" /></a> <img src="images/up.jpg" alt="BE NICE WITH ME" title="" /> <img src="images/walle.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </div>