
Background image


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2006-04-25 17:45

abosolutly spot on. cheers "12345" and "wizzud" for you help all done now it up to me to make it better.


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2006-04-25 18:52

how do you make the contact form on "Contact" transparant its in the way of the background thought i can like make it tranparant to look nicer.


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2006-04-26 09:22

Homer >>>
This affects ALL content pages and you may not like the effect on pages that have less content than the height of the left hand menu - so be warned!

To templates/default.css, add

#category_content {background-color: transparent;}

and change

#catgeory_content #contact_panel {
background: #fff url(....


#catgeory_content #contact_panel {
background: #transparent url(....


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2006-04-26 11:45

thanks wizzud it worked. this is the best support site i have ever seen. thanks to all.


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2006-04-26 20:34

hiya it me again (boy you must be fed up of me lol)

another question
on the product description where do i edit the CSS file to make the "Back" grey bar transparent to the background?


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2006-04-27 01:04

also when you add to basket and then you view your basket you have a hugh white line. humm its not in css cos i tried changing a few lines but no differnce


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2006-04-27 10:32

Homer >>>

1. Change

2. Actually it is ...
#order_table .tfoot td{background-color:#fff;...
#order_table .tfoot td{background-color:#transparent;...

Strong recommendation : use Firefox, with the Web Developer extension, and you'll be able to sort these questions out for yourself in no time at all!


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2006-06-24 20:54

A problem with putting a background colour/image in is that when the customer goes to print their order it puts it on the background there too and will use a lot of ink to print!

Is there any way to make just the print order page a plain white background so that the customer doesn't have to print the image?

Thanks, Jo


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2006-06-27 19:08

Also, is there any way of just showing a text logo at the top of the print page? as I would like to have a big colourful header image on my website but dont want the customer to have to print this with their order.

thanks again! Jo

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