This documentation was written for Quick.Cms.Ext!
Descriptions in this documentation may differ from or not be available in the Quick.Cms documentation. Access to some sections is granted only to Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x users.

Quick.Cms.Ext v6.6 and v6.7: configuration variables

The system has minimal configuration options from the panel side. We made it so that you would have peace of mind. You probably wouldn't want your customers to mess up settings, then call you in the middle of the night, that the website crashed:)

And now seriously. A lot of configuration options can be found in three files in the database directory, which are divided by their functions:

  • database/config.php - here you can find configuration variables, settings which will affect presentation of the website both client-side and in the admin panel
  • database/config_admin.php - the file is available since version v6.6. It contains admin panel settings including advanced options hiding, initial settings of fields in a form, etc.
  • database/config_en.php - settings for English language (en). The smallest configuration file from which the settings are loaded depending on language version used client-side or in the panel. For German version the config_de.php file is loaded, for the English one it's config_en.php, itd.

List of configuration variables

Below you will find the list of variables, which we've described in more detail than in the configuration files. We suggest you edit the config files listed above and look through the variables and their comments there. If a given comment isn't enough to understand how the chosen option operates, just click on the link next to the variable and you will be redirected to the broader description of this variable in this section of the documentation.

Reading the descriptions below one by one you run the risk of being bored to death. Some variables in your version may no longer exist because they took a different form or were no longer needed. However, we have decided that descriptions of these variables in this section shouldn't be removed for when someone uses an older version and wants to know the details of a variable. That's why it's not the best idea to read the list below in full :)

E-mail address required to login to the administration. Make sure to give a valid e-mail address.
Password required to login to the admin panel. We hope we don't have to remind you to come up with one that's not to simple such as: admin, 1234, qwerty, etc.
define( 'DEVELOPER_MODE', true );
This definition (it's not a variable) informs the script if it should display a message (usually in English) or not to display anything in case of PHP code, SQL request errors or lack of some data. In Quick.Cms.Ext you can also see all hidden fields ... You have 1459 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable stores contact e-mail address. It is not used in the basic version of Quick.Cms.Ext. It can change after installing some plugins including contact form. The emails will be sent to this address. Default contact email is the email stored ... You have 336 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['allowed_ip_admin_panel'] - only in the free edition
Stores the only IP address, from which one could log in to the administration. If you use a fixed IP address, set this variable to improve security.
Stores the list of IP addresses, from which you can log in to the administration. Set this variable for better security if you're using fixed IP's. In Quick.Cms.Ext you can define multiple IP addresses. There are two ways to do that: ... You have 421 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
When it's set to true, in the login form a security measure to protect against mass logging in to the admin panel in the form of mathematical captcha. It's turned on automatically if a page is run on a server in the internet (not a localhost), and th... You have 62 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Stores the name of a subdirectory in the templates/ directory, containing the skin's name. That's that.
Array of definitions of all thumbnail sizes (image's longer side). For example an 800x600 image, for which a 100 thumbnail was chosen will be resized to 100x75. To define a new thumbnail size, add the size following a comma. If you... You have 688 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Array with locations of images, such as left, right, etc. An interesting innovation is a third option "No display" with id 0. Image with this localization, if it's also a default image, will be displayed only in the list of subpages (if this default ... You have 967 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
An array with defined subpage display types, that is list, gallery, slider, etc. Specific actions are assigned to some of the types such as gallery, slider or no display. If the last option is selected, the list of subpages under the parent page desc... You have 599 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Array storing slider localizations such as header, widgets, etc. The first option "Header" shows an atypical behavior. After selecting it, the slider will be displayed in the header. Other sliders will no be displayed until they ar... You have 156 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Array storing the list of available menus. It's not a large selection, because by default there are only two menu types, that is top and hidden. If you don't want to add pages and you don't want them in the top menu nor in any of i... You have 925 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This array is amazing! It will allow you to give individual look to pages. By default a basic layout of a page is divided into three parts: header.php, page.php and footer.php, located in the templates/default/ directory. For selec... You have 1060 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This array stores list of instructions for Google and other browsers. Edit this page in the administration to choose the instruction, that will be displayed in the HTML robots meta tag. This list consists of three element options except for the id 0... You have 680 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
A set of CSS class names, which are assigned to the BODY element for each subpage. These names are used depending on elements a given subpage contains. For example, if a subpage has full description, then the class name is-page-description will be in... You have 545 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
The principle of how the variable works is similar to $config['body_class_names'] ». However, within this variable you set the names of the classes that appear in the LI element. Depending on the displayed elements, the appropriate CSS classes ... You have 513 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This array is rarely modified. It contains the list of all possible localizations for widgets. Note! Additional action is assigned to each action. Try not to remove anything, but you can change names to other that suit you better. ... You have 836 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Array, that contains the list of available options determining the way a widget is displayed that is Contents, Page data, Slider, Menu, Subpages, etc. Basically just adding a new element to this array doesn't change much. You still... You have 196 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
An interesting array, which contains thumbnail cropping options. The id 0 "No cropping" option is reserved, so don't change it. The remaining options are more complex. Here's an example: 2 => Array( '4:3', '_4x3', 0.75 ), that contains many elements:... You have 739 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Has your website been translated into several languages? Define which translation (2 characters) should be used by default on your website, if it's visited by a person, who's never visited your website before or has not chosen a specific translation.
Enter language (if it's been installed in the script, of course) you want to be used in messages, menus and options in the administration panel.
Well, it's a very important variable. Remember to change the admin.php filename before running the script. It could be something like this: 85387a7.php Then put this name in the variable in question. Keeping the name admin.php you ... You have 311 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Not available from version v6.6. How to improve the script's performance? If there are no sliders on your website, set this variable to null and that's it. This variable disables client-side sliders. In Quick.Cms.Ext you can also disable sliders in a... You have 77 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Not available from version v6.6. This variable works similarly to $config['enabled_sliders']. Are you not using widgets (it doesn't happen often, but it's not impossible)? Set this variable to null, and the script will certainly speed up. To disable ... You have 80 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
By default this variable is disabled, because most users remember email and password they need to login to administration. Do you or your customer have memory issues? Set this variable to true, but in all honesty it would be much better for you to wr... You have 337 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
WYSIWYG editor is by default enabled, although we do not recommend using it. Unfortunately your customers most likely won't be able to handle HTML, otherwise they probably wouldn't need you to make the website for them, because are scripts are so eas... You have 344 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
If you want elements added in a WYSIWYG editor such as widgets, galleries or pagination to be highlighted in this editor (color and bold type), set this variable's value to true. In older versions the inserted elements, for example [WIDGET=2], were h... You have 74 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable available in versions v6.0 and v6.1 is responsible for generating cache for lists of pages, sliders, etc. It improves script's performance, although if's very efficient even without that enhancement. We don't know the reasons for why th... You have 344 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Accelerates the website, because it saves to cache all image and page data. The CMS operates very fast, but when you have a very large number of piles and images (several thousand), set this variable to true. Otherwise there's no point to do it and we don't recommend it.
Available to version v6.4. Accelerates the entire website, because it saves to cache all widget data. If you have several dozens widgets, it's a good idea to set this variable to true.
Available to version v6.4. Accelerates the website, because it saves to cache all slider data. When there are several dozens sliders on your website, set this variable to true.
Array storing all previously set names of additional parameters for pages. Check out the additional page, widget and slider parameters » section. We have entered into the array all parameters, one could use according to their intended ... You have 494 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
The array storing all previously set additional parameter names for widgets. Refer to the additional page, widget and slider parameters » section. We have entered into the array all parameters, one could use according to their intended... You have 502 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
A table storing all previously set up additional parameter names for a slider. Read the section additional page, widget and slider parameters » In this table we've put all parameters which can be used as intended in a slider. If you ad... You have 476 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available since version v6.7. Number of pages that are to be displayed as a shortened list in the tooltip informing about related pages with the selected feature, widget, tag, etc.
First read description of the $config['pages_list_all'] variable. You know what "pagination" means; this variable determines the limit of number of elements displayed on some lists. Lists that appear in some plugins, such as list of users or list of comments can be divided into parts.
The variable is available since version v6.4 (since version v6.5 it's been replaced by an additional parameter "iLimitPerPage" which you can set in the panel and in the $config['default_pages_list_config'] variable). You don't lik... You have 440 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.4. First read description of the $config['pages_list_all'] variable. It's possible to define separate limits for specific list types. This variable allows to define a separate limit for displaying news type lists. When remaini... You have 357 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
To explain how this variable works we will use an example. View a page client-side (not a parent page) and take a look at the navigation path shown under the page title. Change value of the variable to null and refresh the page. Title of the currentl... You have 192 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Not available from version v6.6. This variable is charm itself, and what potential! Imagine you want to add a new page on a website, that is already working and which your customers are browsing. You want to see the page "live". You can add it to the... You have 889 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
If you want to display homepage name/title in the HTML title tag, set this variable to true. In our opinion Google doesn't present homepage title well, it often looks like this: "Homepage name - DEFAULT WEBSITE'S TITLE FROM THE $config['title'] VARIA... You have 207 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Another tiny yet great variable. It allows to go to page form of widget form (in paid edition) from the website client-side. It's also possible to delete subpages client-side. We can't imagine why anyone would want to disable it, but if you do, set it to null
Available to version v6.4. When this value is set to true, on page selects appearing when new pages or widgets are added only parent pages are shown by default. To see the full list of pages and subpages just click on the "Show all" link next to the ... You have 348 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.6. If you set the value to true, hidden subpages from the main list of subpages in the panel will be included in the SELECT lists. It works when you set the option "Subpages in the panel on a separate list" for their parent pa... You have 501 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This option is "twisted", so now you have to be really focused. In Quick.Cms.Ext you can add images in page description using the tinyMCE editor. If in description you put option to display images of specific type, these images will not be shown anyw... You have 568 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
If the variable is set to true and there's no full description of a page, short description will be shown instead of the full description. This is how the system works by default. If you don't want that, set this variable to null.
This variable disables and enables the option which redirects user to the address given in image description when he or she clicks on the image. If you want such redirection to work, set this variable to true. This option is disabled by default, beca... You have 173 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Variable available in the v6.0 version only. Responsible for not displaying news type subpages on a standard subpages list in administration and selection lists (select tag in HTML). Next to each page, which subpage type is set to news, an icon will ... You have 350 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['disable_page_theme_selecting'], $config['disable_page_link_id_selecting'], [...] $config['disable_advanced_tab_editing']
There are the variables responsible for hiding specific options in administration panel. You can mostly hide the options, changing which might cause the website to be displayed incorrectly or even crash. We also recommend hiding these options from an... You have 755 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
We consider it a miracle variable. It is responsible for generating a meta tag (meta description) from full description. What's so great about that? If your website consists of just several pages, you probably won't be interested. But if your custome... You have 545 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Variable, which determines date format in forms: 2014-10-28 11:12 (year-month-day hour:minute) or 2014-10-28 (year-month-day). If there are several news added to a website each day, set this variable to true. This way the field will be wider to fit h... You have 328 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
You want to delete a page but you don't want to remove images or files attached to it and not used on any other pages or sliders? Change value of this variable to null. Remember however that this could quickly fill your files/ dire... You have 136 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
The system automatically sets the default image, which will be displayed on the list of subpages and in widgets as the first image added to edited page. If you don't want this process to be automatic, set this variable's value to null. After changing... You have 377 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
When you edit a page in the administration panel, in the "Add files" tab, a list of 50 recently added files is displayed. You can see the complete list after clicking "Show all files". You can change the number of files displayed on the short list. T... You have 170 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Displays selected area in the add file panel. Just drag and drop the file in the browser window with the form set in the "Add files" tag in the area with the text: "Drag & drop files from computer to load". Drop a file in this field, after a moment t... You have 327 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Stored the list of acceptable file extensions, that the script will allow to upload to the files/ directory. Be very careful before adding a new extension to the list. We're not describing here how to do that, because we assume that if you know how, ... You have 56 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
List of file extensions for which thumbnails will be generated. On most servers it's not possible to create thumbnails of files with extensions other than those that are on this list by default
Contains max size of images, for which a thumbnail will be generated. If the size of the larger size of an image exceeds 4000px, the image will be added to the page, a thumbnail will however not be generated and the script will display a message info... You have 715 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Value stored in this variable initially is the source of concern for many webmasters with a keen eye for quality images. In description of the $config['max_image_size'] variable we tried to convince you to teach your customers to resize their images ... You have 1325 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
If you don't like the quality of thumbnails, you can increase their size to, lets say, 100. It's important that you keep an eye on the weight of the better quality files. It could turn out that you loose as many viewers of your website because of too... You have 1305 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
There are all kinds of people. Some care about order and some (most) don't. You can keep explaining to your customer to name the images in a way he could later easily recognize them. Unfortunately most people keeps the original camera names such as I... You have 646 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.6. Enter id of default menu, that will be automatically selected when a new page is added. All menu typed are listed in description of the $config['pages_menus'] variable.
Available to version v6.6. Setting this variable to true, in each new added page the Status field will be checked (the page will be accessible client-side).
Available to version v6.6. Enter the id of the parent page, that will automatically be selected in the Parent page field in a newly added subpage. After setting this value to '' the parent page will be set to "none".
Set id of default template, that will be selected when a new page is added. List of template configurations id defined in the $config['themes'] variable.
Set id of default image localization, that will be selected when a new image is added. List of image localizations is defined in the $config['images_locations'] variable.
Default "page details" thumbnail size, that will be selected before an image is added to a page. Available thumbnail sizes are listed by the $config['images_thumbnails'] variable information
Default "list of subpages" thumbnail size, that will be selected before adding an image to a page. You can find available thumbnail sizes with the $config['images_thumbnails'] variable information
Default "other, such as widgets" thumbnail size, which is to be selected before adding an image to a page. Available thumbnail siezs can be found by the $config['images_thumbnails'] variable information
Enter id of default subpages display type, that will be automatically selected when a new page is added. You can find all subpages display types in the description of the $config['subpages_list_types'] variable.
Available to version v6.6. If the variable's value is true, then when adding a new subpage, the Hide in search results box in the "Seo" tab will be checked. It means, that the page will not be shown in search results of your system (when a customers ... You have 152 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Default name of the slider set located in the header. We suggest to leave its name "Default". If a page doesn't have a set of sliders assigned, then a set of sliders with a name from this variable will be added to the header. When a slider set is sel... You have 144 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.6. Default ids of instructions for robots, that will be selected when a new page is added. You can find the list of instructions in the $config['meta_robots_options'] variable.
Specify id of default image cropping option, that will be selected when a new image is added to a page. List of available cropping options is defined in the $config['crop_options'] variable.
Available to version v6.6. Specify if you want the "page ID in link" option to be selected when a new page is added. In some situations this option should be checked, but these are rare occasions. It's up to your judgment when to keep page ID in link... You have 119 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.6. When you set this variable to true, in each new widget the Status field will be checked (the widget will be visible client-side).
Available to version v6.6. If this variable is set to true, then when a new widget is added, the option to show the widget's name will be checked.
Set default id of widget localization, that will be selected when a new widget is added. List of widget localizations is defined in the $config['widgets_types'] variable
Enter id of default widget display type, which will be automatically selected when a new widget is added. You can find all of available types in description of the $config['widgets_contents'] variable.
Default slider localization, that will be selected when a new slider type widget is added. You can find the list of slider localizations in the $config['sliders_types'] variable.
Available to version v6.4. Default page elements, which are to be set when a new widget displaying a selected page data is added. List of all options can be found in the config.php file next to comment to this variable. Of course, when the widget is ... You have 72 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
If this variable is set to true, then when a new slider is added, the Status field will be checked (the slider will be visible client-side).
Default name of the set of sliders, to which the new slider is to be assigned. If you don't want a set of sliders to be automatically assigned, set this variable to: ''
Default slider type (localization), that will be selected when adding a new slider. All slider localizations are listed in description of the $config['sliders_types'] variable.
$config['default_menu_config_X'], where X stands for a digit
Menu settings for specific locations. By default the top menu is set in the $config['default_menu_config_1'] variable. If you add another menu type with id, say, 20, assign is subpages and you want to also assign it adequate parameters, copy the enti... You have 1344 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['default_images_list_config_type_X'], where X stands for a digit
A series of settings of variables for lists displaying images in subpage details (it doesn't apply to images in the list of subpages). In the configuration file, you'll see settings for each location. The main setting is the name of the CSS class, wh... You have 209 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Setting configuration data for sliders. Find the complete list of options and their descriptions in the JavaScript file responsible for slider mechanism core/libraries/quick.slider.js. The options are defined following the rule: 'OptionName:Value,' f... You have 333 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Settings for a slider which displays the list of subpages. To learn how to configure the slider, read the $config['default_slider_config'] variable description.
Name of a header slider set displayed for the 404 error - when no page is found. Otherwise a slider attached to a given subpage is used.
$config['widgets_functions_parameteres_content_type_X'], where X is a number
Variables storing general settings for widgets displaying specific contents. Make sure to read description of the $config['widgets_contents'] variable.
List of available options is very large and extensive. Below we describe 3 basic variables, which settings are most often changed:
Responsible for settings of widgets that display sliders. Setting Array( 'sConfigSliderSet' => 'sAnimation:"scroll"' ) means, that the slider animation type will be "scroll". For example if you also want to change slider pause time, add the code ,iPa... You have 340 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Contains configuration for widgets that display menus. The following settings Array( 'bExpanded' => true, 'iDepthLimit' => 1 ) mean, that the menu is to be expanded always (bExpanded option) also first level supages are to be displayed (iDepthLimit option).
Configuration for widgets displaying lists of pages. Default setting: Array( 'iType' => 1, 'iLimitPerPage' => 3, 'bPagination' => null, 'sImageType' => 'aOthers', 'sKeySize' => 'iSizeOther' ) means, that all subpages of a sele... You have 518 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.

You can also set the above options individually for a selected widget using additional parameters. There are significantly more configuration options, but managing them requires a thorough knowledge of inner workings of our script.

$config['widgets_functions_parameteres_id_X'], where X is a digit
This variable allows for independent settings for a selected widget. We recommend to use additional parameters while editing a widget to configure individual widget settings. Using the variables below makes sense if you want to ad... You have 1893 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['widgets_functions_parameteres_type_X'], where X is a number
Variable available in versions v6.0 and v6.1. Make sure to read description of the $config['widgets_functions_parameteres_content_type_X'] variable. Besides the general widgets' settings, you can also configure specific widget localizations (defined ... You have 2156 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['widgets_parameters_type_X'], where X stands for a digit
Setting up lists of widgets displayed in various locations. Each variable corresponds to a separate location of the widget and may contain a number of settings. Note that not all widget locations are configured with these variables. There was no need... You have 1199 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
General settings for lists of subpages. Above the variable's description you will find all possible options, which you can set in this variable. Remember, that some of the options are available only after installing specific plugins. For example for ... You have 495 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
$config['default_pages_list_config_type_x'], where X is a number
Settings for selected types of subpage lists. For example the $config['default_pages_list_config_type_2'] variable contains settings for news.
$config['disable_advanced_options'] - only in the free edition
A customer can make a mess managing a website. This option allows you to make some of the options changing which might be damaging unavailable to your customer, for example choosing a template, homepage, etc. Prepare the website, set templates, homep... You have 814 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Setting mail sending options. If emails are not reaching you and in case of some plugins such as users they are not reaching the users, don't modify this variable. If there's no problem with receiving emails, set this variable to 2. In that case set ... You have 999 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable is relevant to several plugins (not installed in the standard version of the script) and to displaying date of the last failed login attempt. This variable contains date format. For more on date formats go to the PHP manual ».... You have 91 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Setting format of date displayed on the list of news client-side. For more on date formats go to the PHP manual ».
This variable is relevant to several plugins (not installed in the standard version of the script) and to displaying date of the last failed login attempt. When you're using, for example an American server and you want to see British time, enter the ... You have 74 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable is rarely changed. It's useful when a website is multilingual and some pages have the exact same name in some of these translations. Sometimes page's name is the name of a product which is not translated. Then it's good to set this vari... You have 1003 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable determines which data will be copied when a backup is restored. Value 0 - full data recovery, value 1 - only settings recovery (configuration and translation files), value 2 - restoring only database (files, sliders, widgets, etc.).This... You have 107 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
A setting for the green and annoying information about a backup which appears at the top of the screen in the admin panel. It's annoying so that you remember to create a backup copy before making changes to the database. The variable's default value ... You have 590 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Imposing the correct domain address (if you're using several domains for one website, for example and, when, for example, Google Sitemaps collects the sitemap (sitemap.xml) from the wrong domain address.
Not available from version v6.6. Possibility to redirect from one domain to another (defined in the $config['domain'] variable). When you're using two addresses, for example and, and you want every person who enters to be redi... You have 165 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.3. List of id's of pages, that are to be displayed on a sitemap. If you want to keep some pages from showing on a sitemap, name them in this variable in the following way Array( 7 => true, 32 => true ). In this example pages w... You have 762 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
List of menu types, which will be displayed on sitemap. Menu types and their id's can be found in the $config['pages_menus'] variable. This solution is useful when, for example, you have a hidden menu and you don't want any of its pages and subpages ... You have 257 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.3. First study the description of the $config['disable_pages_in_sitemap'] variable. This variable contains the list of page id's, that are not to be displayed on the Google sitemap (sitemap.xml). If you want some pages not to ... You have 190 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
First familiarize yourself with the description of the $config['disable_menus_in_sitemap'] variable. It contains the list of menu types, which are not to be displayed on a sitemap for google (sitemap.xml). If you don't want pages from specified menu ... You have 232 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
List of id's of pages, which are not to be displayed in search results provided by the internal search engine of the CMS. If you don't want some of the pages to be displayed, put them in the variable in the following format: Array( 1, 6 ). In this ex... You have 61 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
List of menu types excluded from search results displayed by the built-in search engine. It can be useful when you have, for example, a hidden menu and you want none of pages or subpages of this menu to be shown in search results. Enter menu type id'... You have 200 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This option redirects to the last used list of pages when using the "save and go to the list" option. For example if you've entered page form list of results for the "abc" search phrase, after saving that page using the "save and go to the list" opti... You have 341 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Not available from version v6.6. Stores the list of pages, the widgets are to be displayed on. It is also possible to define ids of widget, that are to be displayed on a specific page. This variable is commented due to script's performance issues. If... You have 611 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Available to version v6.4. Setting this variable to true enables the advanced select fields (external library Chosen located in plugins/chosen/). This allows to search, edit the layout, etc. When the value is changed to null, a classic select will sh... You have 128 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Contains default width of the advanced select. If entries in these fields are too long, you can increase this variable's value or, for selected fields, set the adv-select-long class, then their width will be set in the advanced_select_long_width variable.
Contains the width of the larger select field, that is the one with the adv-select-long class. By default select fields' width is set in the advanced_select_default_width variable. Sometimes however this is not enough, because there are fields with e... You have 260 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Serves a similar purpose as the $config['advanced_select_long_width'] variable. Defines width of fields which require even more space. For example, there's the select field containing the list of additional parameters for a page, a widget or a slider.
Number of entries in the select field, above which the search field will be located. Naturally there's no point to display a search box for a select with only several/a dozen entries.
List of key names for language variables from the database/lang_en.php file, which are to be included in the "Email templates" tab in language edit » form. Name of the variable key with its value set to false will be displayed in the panel as p... You have 173 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Enabling the WYSIWYG editor instead of an extended TEXTAREA field in email templates when editing a language. Remember, that you still need to program the sendEmail() function in core/common.php so that it sends the emails in HTML format.
We do not recommend changing this variable to beginners. Changing it is a good thing, buy you have to know what you are doing. If you want your website to be more secure, change the name of the database directory to something like for example f89c63b... You have 1313 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable stores the SQLite database name. You should change it. Change database.db to something like c2f4119c.db, then go to the database/ directory on a server and change the file name to c2f4119c.db
Available to version v6.6. It stores the list of fields in the page edit form, which are hidden by default when the developer mode » is off. You can make them visible by selecting them in the "Display fields" field. The variable grows as new p... You have 673 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Variable available in the v6.0 version only. URL address for news downloaded from a webmaster's website (OpenSolution partner). On a webmaster's website based on Quick.Cms.Ext it's possible to run a script, that will generate the list of news in the ... You have 316 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This variable is rarely modified. It stores the list of file extensions, to which CSS styles are to be assigned. On the website client-side on the list of files attached to that pages there are icons loaded from the templates/default/files-ext.gif fi... You have 501 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Setting flags for PHP built in array sorting functions, such as sort, rsort, asort, ksort, arsort, etc. You can find available flags in the PHP manual ». Remember that the system sorts some data (in arrays) using PHP functions, and the SQLite d... You have 678 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
In this variable you can define the list of available translations. For example if you have your website prepared in English and you're in the middle of preparing an English translation, but you don't want anyone to have access to it. Of course if so... You have 978 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
This is one of the few variables that can be modified in the administration panel. Stores the id of a page, that in a given translation is the homepage.
Another variable that can be modified in the administration panel. Stores the search results page id. Required for the search box to work.
A variable also editable in the administration panel settings. Stores id of the sitemap page.
This code is responsible for displaying client-side logo. In most cases it stays the same in all translations and it could be placed directly in the templates/default/header.php file. However there are cases, when you want to display different logos ... You have 135 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Page title in a given translation displayed in the <title>TITLE WILL BE DISPLAYED HERE</title> block. Start a browser and see how it works for yourself.
Meta description is very important for Google. It would be perfect if every page of your website had its own unique meta description typed in the SEO tag. Unfortunately customers don't take care of it. If that's the case and meta description of a pag... You have 1049 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.
Slogan displayed under logo. It's content is added in the templates/default/header.php file and is, unfortunately, often removed.
Content of website's footer added in the templates/default/footer.php file. If you can't see it on the website, it probably means you haven't closed previous HTML tags. Be careful about that, because the link to our website is also put there and acco... You have 149 characters left. More »The rest of the variable's description is available only for logged in users » of Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x.


This file contains translations of form fields, basic messages, etc. You won't find here system messages informing about more serious problems.

Some variables including $lang['Password_remind_email_content'] can be added to the content of additional options (variables). In this case it's the [PASSWORD] option. The variable contains the "forgot your password" related message, the [PASSWORD] variable is replaced with the password while the email is sent.

This type of variables and additional options you can put into them are found mostly in plugins. All additional options are listed in a comment next to a variable they relate to. This is why it's a good idea to browse through the file and set those variables after installing plugins.

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