In the graphics design - basics » you've learned which files in the templates/default/ directory you need to edit and what's in them. In this section you'll learn about more advanced capabilities of Quick.Cms.Ext including creating custom lists, passing additional function parameters, to get more interesting results. To handle instructions presented below you need to know the basics of PHP.
Scheme of functions displaying lists of: pages, images, widgets, etc.
The mechanism of list displaying functions in the templates/default/_lists.php file is similar to:

The scheme above depicts how displaying a localization 3 (gallery 1) list works. The script in the templates/default/page.php file calls the listImages function in the core/files.php file. This function takes data from a database for a specific page and prepares them to be displayed. Once the data are prepared, it calls the listImagesView function in the templates/default/_lists.php file.
Remember that ...
The remaining descriptions in this sections are available only to logged in webmasters » who own a Quick.Cms.Ext v6.x license
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