Missing thumbnails / thumbnails won't display


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-18 20:50

Think I'm, about to give up on 6.0 and just go with 5.2. Most stuff seems to work as it should in the 5.2 install I have, plus the design looks much better out of the box...


Avatar: selekcjoner

2013-02-18 20:52

Upload the server original script Quic.Cart 6.0 and see if there is also a problem...



Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-18 20:56

Yes, that works (Quick Cart 6.0 as is, before adding my database and files).


Avatar: interkob

2013-02-18 21:56

That means you have something wrong in your database or configuration...


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-19 15:25

Yes apparently. But all works well with 5.2.

Guess this is impossible to troubleshoot... :(


Avatar: interkob

2013-02-19 15:42

Try to upload file by file. And you will find out in which one is the problem.


Avatar: selekcjoner

2013-02-19 15:48

Are you sure you did everything as written in the manual?



Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-19 18:22

interkob, OK, so how would I go about doing that? In what order? Tried it, starting with en_pages_files.php but as soon as I replace an original file with one of my own, the page falls apart - and probably not because that particular file is broken but because the rest of the modified files are missing.


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-19 18:46

OK, gave it a fourth try...

Uploaded en_pages_files.php

Set the pages in admin > tools > setting >pages

Set up order-step-1.php and order-step-2.php in admin > pages

Uploaded en_pages.php

And I'm getting the "Basket is empty" message.


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-19 19:19

Tried another approach...

Started clean, then uploaded only the Swedish files;


As well as config/lang_sv.php and translations sv.php

And I'm getting the "Basket is empty" message.


Avatar: selekcjoner

2013-02-19 19:24

Create the admin page "Order details" in Hidden pages. Set Theme -> order-step-3.php.
Edit: database/config/lang_sv.php and add or complete:
$config['order_print'] = "ID of the page you created";



Avatar: interkob

2013-02-19 22:23

Yes, check in lang_sv.php if your pages id is correct

$config['basket_page'] = "13";
$config['order_page'] = "14";
$config['order_print'] = "15";


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-20 10:52

Thank you both for your kind help. I just did as instructed but no change.

$config['start_page'] = "8";
$config['basket_page'] = "13";
$config['order_page'] = "14";
$config['order_page_print'] = "16";
$config['rules_page'] = "2";
$config['page_search'] = "15";
$config['products_list'] = "25";

Another weird thing is that I cant add a Logo text in Admin > Tools > Settings. Whatever I write there just goes blank after I hit the Save button. We want an image header anyway, but I guess it's another thing that indicates something is wrong.

Also, if I switch language to english I'm getting what appears to be an older version of the site. I suspect way back (version 1 or 2) we didn't use the Swedish language files, but instead translated the existing english files. Perhaps this can be a source of problems?

Time is running out so I guess we're going to have to go with 5.2 for now, but all of these problems makes me worried about future upgrades.

Would it be possible to start with a clean install and just add the products and orders from the old install, but set up everything else from the beginning? And if so, which files contain all products and orders?


Avatar: interkob

2013-02-20 11:43

Then you don't need to convert all files. Convert only db folder with images or only some files of db, for example orders.php, _products_, _pages_, orders_products...


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-20 14:22

Good to know... OK, we're giving up on 6.0 right now, I'm finishing up 5.2 and we're saving our troubles for another day (7.0?). Thanks for your help so far.


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-20 19:53


Just when were about to go live with the 5.2 version I'm discovering that image uploading doesn't work.

Products > Add files. Looks like the file is uploaded, but it results in a broken image link, pointing to a non-existing image: files/ext/ico_nn.gif And nothing has been uploaded to the server.

Now, what gives? I just made sure all files and directories in the files folder are set to 777.

Any ideas?


Avatar: interkob

2013-02-20 20:03

If I had that script, I would try by myself...


Avatar: interkob

2013-02-20 20:17

Create all folders, like 150, 180...


Avatar: Mutant

2013-02-20 20:49

75, 250 and ext were missing so I added back those. Now it's working. The problem may have been that I tried with a rather large image (3,3 MB). It worked fine now with a 500K image.


Avatar: Mutant

2015-03-30 10:28

Hey - we just had some problems with this shop, the config file was corrupt and our host replaced it from backup. Now I have loads of missing thumbnail images again. Any idea on how to get them to reappear? Just tried the previous tip to change from "250" to "null" in general.php but nothing happened. http://www.linnegalleriet.se/?dukar-under-2-meter,1

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