
New freeware plugin - vatLite v0.1 for QC v4.x


Avatar: boboo

2012-01-10 08:51

After analyzing Your page and vatLite plugin, the following help i can offer:
add in products_default.tpl under the:
var fPrice = Math.abs( "210.00" );
var fVat = Math.abs("$config[vat]");
Now the javaScript knows the vat-value.

Then search in javasCripts the function:
Look into, how the attributes-prices will be added to the fPrice.
The <strong> tag with Brutto price on your page has no ID. So, give him an ID.
Then compute the price: fVat * fPrice and throw it on screen with "innerHTML".
I don't have this function on my PC (maybe somewhere in 'internet_temp' - no will to search), so this is an only simple description what and where.


Avatar: kacey

2012-01-16 11:50

Thanks Boboo, but I cannot get it to work. Besides, I need a more complete vat solution and my programming skills are very limited...
If more users of QC 4.2 need this then maybe the VAT plugin can get an upgrade to make it more complete?

Having the vat price only on the products page gives me legal problems with customers, and in holland it is obligatory to have the vat included in the sales price, so it must also be on the orders basket, orders form and in the sent emails.

My wishlist for a better vat plugin :
On products page: the price excluding vat, only the vat, price with vat included, all to get updated when attributes have different prices.
Then the same thing for the summarys in the orders basket and orders form as well as in the mail sent to clients and mail to administrator, the price inc. and ex. vat in orders administration.

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