
how do I change the add to basket button in to details button


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-02 12:11

how do I change the: add to basket button in to: details button?

What I want... that insted of thebutton add to basket that is visible first when you see the product to be a diffrent button that say View product or view details and only when you access the details to have the add to basket button.

Can someboady tell me how to do that?


Avatar: Makaron

2008-09-02 13:51

Are You using Quick.Cart v0.3.1 and older really?


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-02 14:07

I use the last version


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-02 14:14

also can you tell me how to make the random product display plugin to show more then 1 product like 3 products the same thing with the last added product?


Avatar: beholder

2008-09-02 23:41

culda_a --> forgive my plainness but are you just plainly retarded and you do not know how to specify it -- or you really don't know which version are you using?

You need to specify this information correctly if you want to be helped.


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 00:01

ok sorry that I'm not so smart like you .... the version is v3.1


Avatar: beholder

2008-09-03 01:49

allright, here we go:
random product, copy this into your templates/themes/default.php (plugin instructions specify where exactly):

$sRandomProduct2 $oProduct->throwRandomProduct();
$sRandomProduct3 $oProduct->throwRandomProduct();
$sRandomProduct4 $oProduct->throwRandomProduct();

Next copy this to the template file where you want to have the randomproducts displayed (plugin instructions again specify where exactly):



Avatar: beholder

2008-09-03 02:00

add to basket only in product details:

Copy file templates/pages_default.php and create a new file from it, for example templates/pages_noBasket.php. Next edit that file's product list to contain this:

<li class="l$aData[sStyle]"><h3><a href="$aData[sLinkName]">$aData[sName]</a></h3><h4>$aData[sPages]</h4>& #36;aData[sImage]$aData[sDescriptionShort]<div class="price"><em>$lang[Price]:</em><strong>$aData[sPrice]</strong><span >$config[currency_symbol]</span></div></li>

Next, just choose this template file (instead of pages_default.php) for your page(s) that displays the products in this way.


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 07:37

thank you i will try it today


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 07:39

I have another question .... how can I do to make some boxes like the random product but inside of them to display some text with picture... and if is possible that box content to be easy to edit from Pages in admin?


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 08:52

I see that this code it eliminates the add to basket button , but also the images from the product .... but it seams That i was not clear ... I don't want to remove totaly the button I want only to be transform from "add to basket button" in "details button" that when you press on it to show the full description of the product

How to do that?

Thanks in advance


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 09:10

also can you please explain exactly how to make the random product modification coz in the plugin instructions is not say nothing about templates/themes/default.php

another question... if I want to keep as a template that the products to be display with pages_productsInRow and the "add basket" to be transform in "view details" and the random products to be show in the main contain on the bottom


Avatar: Makaron

2008-09-03 09:29

Firstly You can't asking about different things in one topic.. For one question have to be one topic.. It's very important to people who in future will be trying to find similar problems.. So I give You answer just for question which is in topic..

In file templates/pages_default.tpl change this:

<div class="basket"><a href="$aData[sBasketPage]&amp;iProductAdd=$aData[iProduct]&amp;iQuantity=1" rel="nofollow">$lang[Basket_add]</a></div>

for this:

<div class="basket"><a href="$aData[sLinkName]">$lang[Basket_details]</a></div>

You can of course make here another block (not .basket) and define it in css styles to looks different it's just an example..

I thing You don't trying do modification by Yourself because it was very easy and You want to recieve whole solutions..


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 09:43

Makaron you are almost right ..I need a solution coz I'm not a programer I know just a few basic things that;s why I ask so many questions... and also that's the reason why I like explicit description about how to do the changes...

I will try the code that you have give me to see how it works
if I will not manage be sure that I come back with questions :)

in the future I will do separate posts for all


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 10:08

it works fine..... the details button, Thanks you a lot... is there a way to make the button insted of a rectangular shape to be a circle (to details and also to add to basket button?)


Avatar: Makaron

2008-09-03 10:14

Like I said.. "You can of course make here another block (not .basket) and define it in css styles to looks different it's just an example..".. We can't make whole site for You.. It's only support for Quick.Cart. You have to know basics of styling css for example.. If You have problems with it maybe the best way will be find a webmaster?


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 10:34

I know I put a lot of questions and maybe is because of that people are tired to answer to all my question... ok pls just tell me if I want that the button to have a different shape I have to do that in default.css ????


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 11:39

ok this is the last question regarding this matter ... I have think that a round shape to be done from css but is possible to make a rectangular shape and the background to be an image that is active like a link? and if is possible I need only to know where exactly should I look and for what line of code.

Thank you and sorry for putting so many questions but maybe others will like to know all this allso


Avatar: Makaron

2008-09-03 11:55

Yes You have to use prepared background image.. and set background and borders of button to be transparent .. that's all. It's in templates/default.css.


Avatar: culda_a

2008-09-03 12:24

thank you

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