Rules & Tips

  1. This discussion board's administrator is OpenSolution, Poland, 43-430 Skoczów, ul. Stalmacha 43 B
  2. An user is every person who visits this forum's site, has his/her own account at and has a constant nick at the forum. Accounts of users whose info profiles with offensive or vulgar contents will be moderated or removed from the website.
  3. Before starting to write on the forum you must accept its policy first.
  4. It is forbidden to use words vulgar or offensive to other Users. Messages containing any kind of offensive statements will be removed.
  5. It is forbidden to submit on the forum any kind of contents illegal under the Polish law.
  6. The Administrator reserves the right to remove forum contents containing remarks addressed to the administrator and not related to the discussed issue.
  7. In case of any doubts about management or policy infringements, contact » the forum administrator.
  8. Topics discussed on the forum should consider only free editions of Quick.Cms and Quick.Cart as well as skins and plugins to those editions. If your problem is about Quick.Cms.Ext, Quick.Cart.Ext, skins or plugins to those editions, contact » OpenSolution.
  9. Messages concerning paid Quick.Cms.Ext or Quick.Cart.Ext editions, skins or plugins to those editions may be removed by the Administrator.
  10. Make your topic and your question as specific as possible. Don't use titles like "Help", "Please, help", etc. Let your topic indicate your message's content.
  11. Add a link to the website you have a problem with or a screenshot (you can upload the screenshot on your server or on one of the free image hosting services, e.g. », »). This way you can count on the answer to be faster and more precise.
  12. Do not demand an answer. If no one's answering, it's probably because no one knows the solution to your problem.
  13. Don't expect a ready-made solution. Very often all you'll get are just tips. If you want somebody to solve your problem for you, use the our partners support services ».
  14. Try to discuss just one topic inside one thread. This will make the forum much easier to browse.
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