Image Problem


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2005-06-25 23:06


Iwe just installed the basic version of quick.cart but I have a little problem, when i ad a product with a picture, and hit save. the computers work on it. and it looks like it uploading the image. but the image dossnt appear on the page

What is wrong.. tjeck i aou here:


Ray Floyds

No avatar

2005-06-26 09:54

Did you chmod the correct files and directory's ? (SOON)


No avatar

2005-06-26 11:27

i dont know. iwe just find the picture at my computer´s harddrive, and hit save... is´nt a upload function?


Ray Floyds

No avatar

2005-06-26 13:53

I mean on your server where you want to add a picture.
use .jpg or .gif and not .bmp (i had some problems with that format) ! (SOON)

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