

No avatar

2005-06-15 15:48

If the price of an item is 0.00 is it possible to make it appear as POA in the product listings?

It feels as if it should be a simple if() statement, but I cannot find anywhere to put it successfully..!

Any help or suggestions very glady received!


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2005-06-15 15:50

PS. I think the value should stay at 0.00 to ensure that the cart works, but I would just like POA displayed instead.


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2005-06-16 16:06

Answering my own question... in the core\other.php file I have simply edited the tPrice function:

function tPrice( $fPrice ){
if($fPrice == "0.00") { return 'POA';} {return sprintf( '%01.2f', $fPrice );}
} // end function tPrice

and it seems to work!

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