operation_go_back doesn't work properly?


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2005-06-09 06:54

hi i've noticed that in ADD A NEW CATEGORY, the operation_go_back seems that doesn't work properly... it point my browser back to the ADD PAGE (with the editboxes) and not to the LIST OF CATEGORY... can anyone fix it? thanks in advance. Roby

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-06-09 10:11

this is not a bug .. it was added specially



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2005-06-09 11:26

uhm so i can't fix it? because when you add a catergory it's like adding a product, it's better to go back to the list of categories! can u tell me how to fix it? thanks in advance


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2005-06-09 11:29

ps i also translated the language in italian (reviewed a lot) if you want i can send it to you for putting it on your site!

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