printing out the order problem


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2005-06-03 02:44

Hi everyone,
I'm almost got this cart working the way I need. I still have one big hurdle: printing out the order from the "Print Out Order" link. i get a new window but the page is blank.

I checked the code for the link in orders_saved.tpl and it seems fine:
<a href='javascript:windowNew( "?p=windowPrintOrder&amp;iOrder=$iOrder" );'><b>$lang[Order_print]</b></a>

Do you think there is an error in the page that passes the customer info to this page? I checked the forum but i couldn't locate this problem anywhere so I thought I would ask.

THank you




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2005-06-03 09:06

If you're running in Firefox, check the Javascript Console for errors. (If you're not running Firefox, why not?)
If you're running locally, stick a var_dump($content) in front of the last 'if' statement in index.php, to check whether the content is being picked up correctly.
If it isn't, stick one in the windowPrintOrder section (if you have either of the 2 tax plugins this will be in the relevant actions_client.php module in the plugins folder).
if you're not getting into the windowPrintOrder section, stick one further up and see if $iOrder is correct. Check against the orders.php db file.


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2005-06-04 02:09

thanks , i'll give it a trry.


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