Sort by producers / manufacture


Avatar: mariussand

2013-04-03 15:39

Who help me near sort by name , price, to add a sortyng by producers/manufacture ?
I think this is a simple and i consider a utility if you have much products in database.

» Quick.Cart v4.x

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2013-04-04 21:49

If you want to sort by producer then you need first to have producer field. Do you have producer field?


Avatar: mariussand

2013-04-09 10:42

yes i have , but i want to sort by producer , to appear near sort by price or by name.
When i am in one category ,i need one box with producer only available for this category , and when i select one producer i want to list the producer.


Avatar: mariussand

2013-06-19 09:47

nobody can help me with this problem ?

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