Please guys. Help with extra product admin fields


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2005-11-10 16:19

Could you please also help me Treewood with adding extra fields to the products form in the admin area.
I followed the instructions from thread :
but no luck . . . :-(
Please please please help as I would like to have a manufacturer field (text) and a quantity field (numeric) when adding products in the admin area.

I know you are a god of QC having read lots of posts on the forum and if anyone can help it will be you.


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-11-10 17:48

what qc version you have?


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2005-11-10 18:11

HI Treewood.

V 0.3.0 running at the moment.

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2005-11-10 18:53

in qc 1.0 it is more easy ... wait for this stable version


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2005-11-10 22:53

Hi Treewood,

Have downloaded V1.0 and would love instruction on how to add extra fields please :-)

Thanx for all your help

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