Adding form entries


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2005-10-31 23:45


I love the software and am currently customising it for a simple realty listing. I have two questions for the QC gurus out there:

1: How do I add entries to the product form that will save the extra data in the database???
I have added the values to the form page itself but need to know how to add them to the database.

2: I would like to have a very simple contact form at the bottom of each product shown. I have created the form that is shown each time a products details are viewed but can not seem to get the form to work???

Any help would be much appreciated guys. Thanx


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2005-11-02 18:35


Can you show us the source-code of the mail form ?


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2005-11-03 11:04

Hi Floyds,

Please go to and click on the demo property and try the form and you'll see my problem . . . :-(

Any help would be hugely appreciated :-)



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2005-11-03 12:47

Hi Floyd,

Thanx but sorted it all now no problems cheers :-)

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