Quick.Cart v6.6 core/orders.php error


Avatar: tirgotava

2015-11-17 15:45

I have started with Quick.Cart v6.6. I think file core/orders.php have error - when client received order e-mail last line contains "Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart", but i use English language.
It string is not placed with others language strings and i mean - its not better solution. Client cant see and cant change this sentence.

» Quick.Cart v6.x



Avatar: boboo

2015-11-20 17:39

In core/orders.php in the function "sendEmailWithOrderDetails" you will find

// the following phrase must be present in the email's content. See the license - http://opensolution.org/licenses.html
$sMailContent .= "\n\n".( LANGUAGE == 'pl' ) ? 'Wysłane przez program Quick.Cart' 'Sent by the Quick.Cart program';

I think, in case when you use only the english version, just replace the polish text "wyslane przez..." with the english one and the license should not be brokem.
You wrote, you use English language. Maybe you did not fully clear/remove the polish language, so in some situations, the mailer takes the polish text into the foot of the e-mail.

boboo :-)


Avatar: tirgotava

2015-11-20 22:15

I made this (before posted) - replace polish text with english text (when found file with polish text). But i think coders need know this :)



Avatar: deha

2015-11-23 10:13

Actually, If you didn't notice it's a condition, if language set by the web browser is polish send polish text and if not send english text. Your every client, no matter from where received this polish text ?



Avatar: tirgotava

2015-11-24 01:27

Two different clients - both received e-mails with polish signature. Both are Latvians :)



Avatar: boboo

2015-11-24 07:14

Maybe Latvians with polish roots ;-)

the LANGUAGE or $sLang will be determined in config/general.php
But if You removed correctly the polish language, then there is no chance, that the "LANGUAGE" will take the "pl" value.
Even if lang-in-url is active, and you put sLang=pl into url-address,
by correct removed pl-language the file "pl.php" does not exist. And without him no possible to set LANGUAGE to "pl"

boboo :-)

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