Adding Text Underneath Left Category Menu


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2005-09-23 19:20

Does anyone know what file to edit to add text underneath the left category menu? I edited several files and templates but I couldn't figure it out. Thanks.


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2005-10-25 19:45

I would like to put a banner underneath the product categories on the left menu. Has any one done this before?


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2005-10-26 10:04

Depends how much control you want/need over the positioning of whatever you are adding.

You can either:

Edit templates/default/head.tpl
At the bottom of the file is a cell containing $sMenuCategories, which is the menu itself
You can add you content after this variable (inside the <td> tags)

Or (and personally I think this is a better solution, but its your choice!):

Edit templates/default/head.tpl
Change the last line from <td class='right'> to <td class='right' rowspan='2'>
Edit templates/default/footer.tpl
Immediately in front of the 3rd line - which is the </table> statement - insert a new row ...
<tr><td class='menu_left'> ... your new content ... </td></tr>
with whatever other styling you want.

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