
Quick.Cms v2.0-rc1 - NON STABLE version - released!

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-25 11:35

New Quick.Cms v2.0 - release candidate 1.

You can get this version from download here:

You can test this version here:

Changes in v2.0 are here:

2. Update script from Quick.Cms 1.x to Quick.Cms 2.x we will add after stable version will be released.

Now we are updating our commercial and freeware plugins to work with version 2.0.
We need time to check that plugins are compability with v2.0. If not, we will
change v2.0 to work with plugins.
If all be right then we think v2.0 stable will be released in next week.

Please spend some time and test this release in different browsers and different operation systems and validate by w3c validator different pages etc.. Try to add pages, add images and files, check gallery display, try to print page on different printers etc. If something is wrong then write it here! It will help us!


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2007-10-25 16:20

Dzień Dobry
natrafiłem na jedną niedogodność - jak zmienić kategorie w lewym menu? nie chodzi mi o te będące odnośnikami, bo to oczywiste, ale o te duże napisy "Kategorie" "produkty" "Administracja" może w tej wersji jeszcze nie ma tej możliwości, ale w finalnej na pewno przydała by się edycja z poziomu panelu admina, druga sprawa - dlaczego pod linkiem w menu"zaloguj do admina" wyświetla nazwę użytkownika i hasło jawnym tekstem, wpisane wcześniej w panelu? oj to chyba nawet na wersję rc1 zbyt poważne

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-25 18:04

1. Mozna to usunac zmieniajac 2 pliki w katalogu "templates/" a dokladnie "menu_3.tpl" i "menu_4.tpl" usuwajac wpis <div class="type">$aData[sMenuType]</div>.
Nie jestesmy zwolennikami ustawiania za wielu rzeczy w administracji bo:
- czym wiecej wyjatkow, if'ow itd to tym bardziej zakrecony i mniej optymalny kod PHP
- czym wiecej opcji tym wieksza szansa zepsucia samej strony. Na WYSIWYG'a czekac trzeba bylo az 2 lata az sie dopiero teraz na to sklonilismy gdy znalezlismy taki, ktory jest XHTML strict.

Oczywiscie nasze narzedzie moze kazdy sobie zainstalowac i uzywac jednak potem sie okazuje, ze projekt jest wogole nie rozniacy sie od naszego domyslnego wygladu. Dlatego reka webmastera/grafika jest w tym przypadku konieczna by zmienic kod CSS i ewentualnie kod HTML a wtedy tez na zlecenie klienta webmaster moze usunac/dodac elementy, ktore klienta nie interesuja.

2. Login i haslo sie wyswietlaja poniewaz rc1 do pobrania to prawie to samo co wiec tez nie chcemy by byly wieksze rozbieznosci w kodzie dlatego zostawilsmy to tak jak jest na naszym serwerze. Po drugie to jest wersja testowa a nie finalna wiec ktos sobie moze to potestowac u siebie i w finalnej wersji oczywiscie link do logowania, login i haslo nie beda sie wyswietlaly.


Avatar: jeroenz20

2007-10-26 11:20


Can you PLEASE remove the function in the release that it shows the username and password in the website?

And also please change the password field in the admin screen, (after you logged in) so that it hides the current password or remove that field?


Avatar: jeroenz20

2007-10-26 11:44

And also the following:

- English translation is not done properly on some places

- The English / Polish language "chooser" on the frontpage is hardcoded in the page. Maybe an idee that it can be changed in the admin settings? So that you can choose which language you want to display?

- Possibility that when you create a page, you can create it in multiple languages

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-26 22:46

jeroenz20 -
1. in stable version there will be no any information about username and password :) This is the same version as on and we won't change this in candidate
2. please post here what english translation is not good ... it will help us. thx
3. In stable version they will not be any language chooser
4. It will be great but not easy to make


Avatar: wskizz

2007-10-27 15:19

po wgraniu cmsa na serwer mam taki komunikat:

Warning: main(libraries/TplParser.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lazienki24/ftp/vostro/index.php on line 17

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'libraries/TplParser.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/lazienki24/ftp/vo/index.php on line 17

zrobiłem wszystko jak bylo w howtoinstal. z wcześniejszymi wersjami cmsa bylo ok.
serwer mam z

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-27 15:20

wskizz - typowy problem gdy ma sie wlaczone zmienianie wielkosci liter w plikach wgrywanych na serwer. Sprawdz czy masz plik w katalogu "libraries/" o nazwie dokladnej TplParser.php. Jesli go masz ale z malych liter to zmien wielkosc liter.


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2007-10-28 20:29

Hello, I tried your new Quick.Cms v2.0 but there is written:
Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /home/ on line 11 on the top of admin page. Everything works good except this sentence.



Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-29 06:13

Treewood -- try add addition language (as ussual in db/ config/ lang/ folders etc.) - result

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: ru_pages_files() in ...\files.php on line 162

How add language to test Cyrillic in utf-8?
Thank you.


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-29 06:25

Aha... already done, by guessing that v.2 don`t need copy of db to add new language :)


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-29 09:25

Cyrillic ru_
IE 6.0, Opera 9.0, FF

1. All browsers in status and address bars links - display just several(not all) symbols as strange characters (transliteration Cyrillic-to-Latin)

2. "ru" page if we choose both(!) Template/pages_different.tpl + Theme/ without_left_menu.php -- in front of website IE displayed this page as white screen
(in FF, Opera this page -- display correctly; same "en" page -- displayed correctly; IE display correctly if use only one -- or pages_different.tpl or without_left_menu.php)

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-29 12:31

Oxana - Cyrillic - this problematic for us. We dont know this language and there is problems. English, deutch, french etc. are not problematic like Cyrillic.
Can You send link to check it?


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-29 16:38

Problems: #1,#2 (see above)
+ problem #3 - Opera and IE don't detect encoding automatically (detect "ru" as win-1251)

A. localhost - problems #1, #2
B. another host - problems #1, #3
C. yet another host - problem #1

So problem #1 - is common and doesn't depend from hosting or browser at all.
(in current version also just several symbols are wrong examples & screenshots here -,test-of-cyrillic-chars.html)

Treewood - for my pity can't detect problem with Cyrillic because I'm not programmer, perhaps table of transit be useful

treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-29 17:43

ruzovka - please download Quick.Cms v1.2 and check this problem.

Oxana - it is problem ... for now we dont know solution but maybe someone who have knowlage about cyrilic and utf-8 ...
Maybe it will fix problem in opera. Please edit index.php and add

header'Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$config['charset'] );


require_once DIR_LANG.LANGUAGE.'.php';


Avatar: Oxana

2007-10-29 19:43

Treewood - thank you! This solves problems #2, #3.
At any rate, now v2 works with cyrillic as current version :)


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2007-10-29 22:21

Treewood: Quick.Cms v1.2 works perfectly see:
I have problem with v2.0 see
I "chmoded 777 " all files as it is written in readme.txt
I do not see any mistakes in my work :(



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2007-10-29 23:36

Treewood: it works goog already. I had to change from PHP4 to PHP5.



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2007-10-30 13:48

Po dodaniu obrazka miniaturki do strony (np. our offer 2), nie ma znaczenia czy ustawimy "Left" czy "Right", opcja ta nie dodaje stylu do znacznika html, wiec jest zbedna. Prawdopodobnie powinna dodawac klase css do diva/img.


treewood (OpenSolution)

Avatar: treewood

2007-10-30 22:17

Pavelloz - nie do konca rozumiem. Opcja ta daje mozliwosc wyboru czy zdjecie sie ma wyswietlac po prawej czy lewej stronie tak jak to ma miejsce tutaj:,4

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